
一年的变革护理, 大胆的伙伴关系, Widespread Healing: HMHI releases 2022 Annual Report

今天, 亨斯迈心理健康研究所 发布了2022年年度报告, highlighting the groundbreaking and critical work done by the Institute’s 1,644医学院, 工作人员, 学生, 和学员.  

“在过去的一年, HMHI has created key collaborations with partners in the private and public sector to increase access to 心理健康 care and initiate plans to decrease the 心理健康 worker shortage,” 马克·拉帕波特,m.s.D.他是HMHI的首席执行官. “We’re working across disciplines to develop better and new interventions and approaches to complex syndromes, 防止自杀, 消除耻辱感. 在一起, 大发娱乐可以大发娱乐提供希望, 疗愈, the chance for those suffering from poor 心理健康 to live the dignified lives they deserve.”


In 2022, 我看到了16,847个独特的病人- 63个,045 visits in total—at more than 20 locations across Utah and Idaho. 病人 came from 27 counties in Utah and 48 states to seek treatment for several different types of conditions, 包括自杀意念, 重度抑郁症, 阿片类药物依赖, 进食障碍, 和更多的.  

Some other highlights from the annual report include HMHI’s work to:  

  • 提高公众对精神卫生的认识.  
    HMHI is increasing awareness around the gaps in 心理健康 services and making care more accessible by extending our crisis services, including collaborating with state and national partners to ensure quality of care with the 2022 rollout of Utah’s 988 心理健康 crisis line. HMHI is also extending the SafeUT program, which performed 349 lifesaving interventions in 2022.  

  • 建立精神卫生工作队伍.  
    HMHI offers several unique training services for crisis workers, 护士, 药店的居民, 社会工作实习生, 医疗管理硕士实习生, 还有医疗助理实习生. HMHI also partners with higher education institutions to put programs in place—including crisis worker certification—to strengthen the 心理健康 workforce and ensure that everyone can get the right care when they need it.  

  • 培养合作和探索的文化.  
    HMHI leads in bold partnership and groundbreaking 研究. It is the largest site for the National Institutes of Health-funded Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study, which resulted in five years of valuable data regarding adolescent 心理健康. 此外, HMHI’s work with Huntsman Cancer Institute to characterize and treat the 心理健康 impacts of cancer on patients has resulted in two annual $25,000美元种子补助金.  

  • 连接犹他州的心理健康资源.  
    HMHI partners with communities and 心理健康 workers across the state to facilitate communication and adoption of new treatments by sharing resources and best practices. The institute is working with Utah schools to help create more effective 心理健康 systems through training, 技术支持, brain health curriculum development and with regional health centers to offer care for Utahns in rural areas like Moab, 价格, 和布兰丁.  

  • 为所有群体大发娱乐提供适当的照顾.  
    所有的人, 无论他们来自哪里, 语言, 或情况, 应该得到适当和尊重的照顾. HMHI has built many bridges, including outreach to Latino and young communities in Park City.  

大发娱乐的邻居太多了, 朋友, 家庭成员, 的同事们, fellow humans are experiencing a severe 心理健康 condition,大卫·亨茨曼说, 总裁兼首席运营官 亨茨曼精神健康基金会. “We at the foundation and HMHI are dedicated to providing the 心理健康 services that people so desperately need. We’re grateful for the donations and partnerships that help us achieve our mission.”


期待, HMHI will continue working to transform mental and brain health through three primary programs:  

  • 全国性的运动, which will combat stigma around 心理健康 and substance use disorder and encourage those suffering to get help.  

“The Huntsman Foundation recognizes that every family is touched in some way by someone who is struggling with their 心理健康,克里斯蒂娜·亨茨曼·达勒姆说, Executive Vice President of 亨茨曼精神健康基金会. “We are so proud to work with HMHI in their efforts to stop the stigma surrounding 心理健康 so people will feel more empowered to seek help. We recognize HMHI for their groundbreaking and holistic ways of treating patients. Through their extensive 研究, HMHI will transform lives around the globe. We see no limits to what this visionary organization can accomplish.”  

More highlights, stories, updates can be found in the 2022 HMHI Annual Report, which is 可下载.  


亨斯迈心理健康研究所 was established in 2021 following the Huntsman Foundation's historic gift of $150 million to the University of Utah. HMHI is a university-wide Institute with a reputation throughout the Mountain West as a leader in advanced psychiatric treatment and care, serving a diverse population from young children to geriatric patients. 研究ers at HMHI develop and apply the most advanced methods in genetics, 成像, 流行病学, 以及大数据分析. HMHI is also the regional training center for psychiatry and other 心理健康 disciplines. HMHI’s main 170-bed full-service hospital is adjacent to the University of Utah campus, HMHI是1,644年教师, 工作人员, 学生大发娱乐提供临床, 研究, training programs in more than 20 locations across Utah and Idaho.   

欲了解更多信息,请访问 HMHI.犹他州.edu 加入大发娱乐的对话 TikTok, Instagram, 推特, LinkedIn, YouTube, 脸谱网