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What it Means to be an NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center

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Exterior of Huntsman Cancer Institute building

2015年, National Cancer Institute (NCI) 授予 Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah with its Comprehensive status. Huntsman Cancer Institute is the only NCI-designated Cancer Center in the Mountain West. This means we provide the highest national standards for 癌症研究 和治疗. We are recognized for our leadership, 资源, and research. We also receive support for our scientific endeavors.

What is an NCI-designated Cancer Center?

The NCI 癌症中心 Program was created as part of the 国家癌症法案, which was signed into law by President Nixon on December 23, 1971. It is one of the anchors of the nation’s 癌症研究 efforts. The policy launched major progress toward saving lives and reducing the suffering caused by cancer.

Through this program, the NCI recognizes cancer centers around the country that meet thorough standards for research, 癌症治疗, 教育, 预防, and community outreach. This program supports 72 cancer centers in the United States today. These centers are honored for their level of research, serving their communities and the broader public, and combining training and 教育 for 癌症研究ers and health care providers.

Huntsman Cancer Institute is an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center that is recognized for its innovative approaches to preventing, 诊断, 治疗癌症.

How many NCI-designated 癌症中心 are there?

The NCI supports 72 cancer centers located in 36 states and the District of Columbia. NCI-designated 癌症中心 dedicate significant 资源 toward developing research programs, 教师, 和设施. There are three distinct levels that the NCI recognizes:

  • Basic Laboratory 癌症中心
  • 癌症中心
  • Comprehensive 癌症中心

在这72个中心中, 57 are Comprehensive 癌症中心, meaning they are also recognized by the NCI for their leadership, 资源, and the breadth and depth of their research. Several of the NCI-designated 癌症治疗 Centers focus only on research, leading to improved cancer 治疗, though a majority are tied to university medical centers and provide clinical 癌症治疗—like Huntsman Cancer Institute.

Why should patients be treated at an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center?

Our patients are at the center of everything we do. Being treated at an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center means patients receive the gold standard of care and have better health outcomes. 研究 findings at NCI-designated 癌症中心 have quickly led to new and better cancer 治疗. These have improved the quality of patients’ lives and increased the number of cancer survivors in the United States.

病人 who are seen at Huntsman Cancer Institute have access to all the following:

  • The expertise of more than 150 cancer specialists
  • The latest technology in 癌症治疗
  • 创新研究
  • 新的治疗方法
  • 临床试验

How many patients are treated at NCI-designated 癌症中心?

About 250,000 patients find out they have cancer at an NCI-designated Cancer Center each year. Thousands of patients are enrolled in 临床试验 在这些中心. Many centers also provide public 教育 and outreach programs on cancer 预防 and screening with special attention to the needs of underserved people.

NCI-designated 癌症中心 serve their local areas and the broader public by turning discoveries found in labs and through health and clinical research into new cancer 治疗, better screening and detection methods, and more knowledge of ways to prevent cancer. These findings are shared with local communities through the creation of programs and new services fitted to the specific and unique populations in the areas they serve, which also benefit similar populations across the United States.

As an NCI-designated Cancer Center doing state-of-the-art research leading to new 癌症治疗, 治疗, 和理解, Huntsman Cancer Institute is as committed as ever to delivering a future free from cancer.

Cancer touches all of us.