

亨茨曼癌症研究所 面部整形术 creates realistic prosthetics for people who have lost a part of the face due to cancer, 其他疾病, 或伤害. We also make prosthetics for people born with facial differences, such as microtia.

通常,手术可以重建脸部缺失的部分. 但手术可能不是每个人的正确选择. A facial prosthesis takes less time, costs less money, and has fewer health risks.


  • Makes parts of the face changed by cancer look more like they did before
  • 恢复病人的自我形象和自信
  • Makes a patient’s facial features work as they did before (called “restoring function”)



Our trained anaplastologist creates real-looking prosthetics that match each patient's skin color and texture. An anaplastologist is someone who specializes in making prosthetics.

亨茨曼癌症研究所's 面部整形术 service uses 3D printing to create the shape of your prosthesis. We meet with you a number of times to make sure the prosthesis fits and looks just like you. The prosthesis can attach to the face using glue, magnets, or other methods. 阅读下面关于每种义肢的更多信息.


We custom-make ear prostheses to look the same as your other ear. 耳假体可以让你戴上眼镜或助听器. 假体整天都戴着,不会松动. You can choose whether to attach the prosthesis to your skin with glue or snap it on with implants.



耳假体可以覆盖大多数小耳朵(小耳畸形)。. It can also fit over a reconstructed ear you are unhappy with. A well-made prosthesis can look more real than a reconstructed ear. Many parents choose a prosthesis for their child while the child grows up. That way when they are an adult, they can decide themselves whether or not to have surgery. Some parents choose a prosthesis while they wait for new surgery methods such as tissue engineering.



眼眶假体代替你的眼睑和眼睛. 它会进入你的眼窝. 眼睛不动也不眨眼. We use a hard plastic to make the eye and soft silicone to make the eyelids. An orbital prosthesis attaches to the skin with glue, snaps, magnets, or glasses. An anaplastologist will help you figure out which method works best for you.



We make nasal, or nose, prostheses out of thin, flexible silicone. 你每天用胶水把它粘在皮肤上. We create your nose prosthesis based on photos of your old nose or on a CT scan. 假肢的颜色和质地和你的皮肤很匹配.

鼻子假体可以让你戴眼镜, 保护你的鼻腔, 并有助于保持鼻子内部湿润. Some people choose to get a nose prosthesis until they have reconstructive surgery.



大发娱乐为新病人大发娱乐提供第一次免费就诊. 访问期间, 大发娱乐回答你们关于保险范围的问题, 假体的选择, 以及假肢的优点和局限性.

如果你选择做假体, 你要回来几次,这样大发娱乐才能装得下, 设计, 完成你的义肢. Our goal is to make the prosthesis and attachment method that works best for you.



Nearly all insurance plans will cover the cost of a prosthesis. 这包括医疗保险和医疗补助. 许多计划将大发娱乐的服务视为网络内服务. If your plan’s network has no prosthesis provider, we can often qualify as in-network.


许多患者选择使用胶水. This type of glue stays secure even during swimming or other sports. 有些人使用夹子或磁铁植入骨头. 了解更多关于这两种方法的信息:


对这种胶水有过敏反应是非常罕见的. People with sensitive skin may get some redness or itchiness, but it is minor.


大多数人不需要做假体手术. 但在少数情况下,手术可能有助于获得更好的结果. 如果整形医生认为你可能需要手术, 他会在你咨询的时候和你讨论这件事.


Most people clean the glue off the prosthesis at the end of the day. If you have a prosthesis that clips into place, you need to clean your skin around the implants. 清洗义肢只需要肥皂和水. 大发娱乐关于护理义肢的内容:


Most people do not pay close attention to another person’s facial features. 人们很少会注意到制作精良的假肢. We custom-make the prosthesis to match your skin color and texture as closely as possible.


We 设计 prostheses to stay on all day without falling off.

Can I go swimming or play sports while wearing a prosthesis?

是的,一般. The prosthesis attaches very strongly and usually does not come off while swimming or playing sports. But there is a chance that water or extreme sweating can cause a glued-on prosthesis to loosen. Some people choose to not wear it so they don’t worry about it. We recommend taking off a prosthesis that clips on when playing contact sports like rugby, 足球, 摔跤, 或拳击.

How soon can I have a prosthesis made after I’m done with cancer treatment?

Most patients can have a prosthesis made as soon as they have healed from surgery or radiation therapy. 这通常是4到6周.

I had surgery to reconstruct my ear and I’m not satisfied with the results. 我还能装假肢吗?

You may still be able to wear a prosthesis over your reconstructed ear. The anaplastologist can talk with you at a free consultation to see if a prosthesis is right for you.

How old does a child with microtia have to be to get a prosthesis?

The process usually starts when the child is 4 or 5 years old. 考虑同时解决孩子的听力问题. 首先应该进行耳道矫正手术. The surgeon can rotate the little ear into the correct position during the same surgery. If you want surgery for a bone conducted hearing aid, please meet with us before the surgery.


It usually takes about two weeks for people who live nearby. 你每隔几天就要去一次诊所. For people who travel from out of town, we schedule the appointments one day apart. This means the prosthesis can be made in as few as three days.


大发娱乐建议患者留在犹他大学健康中心 病人及家属宿舍. 病人和他们的家人得到了负担得起的价格, 亨茨曼癌症研究所的免费班车服务, 免费早餐, 还有很多其他便利设施.

游览盐湖 了解要做的事情、活动、餐馆等等.


You can call 亨茨曼癌症研究所's 面部整形术 service at 801-585-0140 or ask your cancer care team to contact us for you.



自2002年以来, 保罗·坦纳,工商管理硕士,CCA, 一直在使用一种独特的艺术融合, 科学, 业务, and technology to make facial prosthetics for those missing facial parts from cancer or other conditions. 结合3D打印和传统技术, he has helped thousands of people across the United States and in 20 different countries.