

呼叫  801-581-5496 or

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165 N. 大学大街
法明顿,UT 84025


乳房检查、超声波检查、 & 活组织检查


Did you know that making sure your breasts are healthy is just as important as getting regular physicals and pap smears?


Our board-certified and fellowship-trained breast imaging radiologists and physicians interpret your screening results.

3 d乳房x光检查

大发娱乐的工厂大发娱乐提供断层合成, a state-of-the-art technology that produces 3D images of the entire breast at multiple angles. This helps the radiologist better distinguish abnormal tissue from normal tissue.


Our mammography clinic is located on the first floor on the southwest side of the building. When you arrive at our clinic, our staff will help guide you where to go.


To make your appointment more convenient, we also offer:

  • 免费无线上网,
  • 现场药房;
  • 预约期间免费托儿,还有
  • a comfortable lobby with electrical outlets in the furniture so you can charge your device.


Child care issues should never prevent you from getting to the doctor and getting the health care you need. 大发娱乐大发娱乐提供 免费托儿服务 在病人预约期间.



亨茨曼癌症研究所和犹他健康大学 recommend that all women receive a 乳腺癌 screening (mammogram) 每年从40岁开始.

Breast cancer screening from your doctor helps find 乳腺癌 early, when it is easier to treat. Multiple studies have found that screening every year starting at 40 saves the most lives of 乳腺癌, 即使是没有家族史的女性.

和你的医生谈谈 哪些癌症筛查适合你. Screening recommendations may be different for women at higher-than-average risk and women who have a family history of 乳腺癌. Women who are at a higher-than-average risk may need additional screening exams.



When you arrive, your nurse will ask to undress from the waist up and take off your deodorant. 手术过程中大发娱乐会给你一件长袍. A mammography technologist will escort you to a private mammography room. The technologist positions you in the machine and takes on average four images, two for each breast. 

Because breast tissue can be very dense and difficult to screen, the mammogram equipment will press your breast between two plates to reduce blur from motion, 减少对乳房的辐射, 并展开组织以确保准确的测试.  

The compression only lasts for a few seconds – just long enough for your technologist to get a good image of each of your breasts. Do not hesitate to ask your technologist to explain the procedure. 他们可以回答你可能有的任何其他问题.


Radiologists, who are experts in breast imaging, review the mammography images. 病人 usually receive results within 24 hours, generally on the same day.

If you need more imaging, the clinic will call you within a few days of the screening exam.






程序、类 & 资源


A big part of staying healthy is detecting diseases early. We make it easy for you to get lifesaving tests for heart disease, 乳腺癌, 子宫颈癌, 皮肤癌, 在一次方便的访问中就能治疗结肠癌.



Women's health is so much more than the problems brought to the doctor's office. Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones looks at women's health through the lens of physical, 情感, 社会, 知识, 金融, 环境, and spiritual health—the seven domains of women's health.



作为一个新妈妈, some common postpartum issues you may encounter include discharge, 阴道不舒服, 疼痛, 膀胱渗漏. Our specialists don't just care for you before and during pregnancy, but afterward as well.


ASCENT生殖中心 & 性健康

The center promotes sexual and reproductive health for everyone through clinical care, 研究, 和教育. We serve as a regional resource on reproductive and sexual health, rights, and justice. 


中年 & 更年期保健

经历潮热, 阴道干燥或疼痛, 性欲低下, 或者其他更年期的症状, 更年期, 或绝经后期? Learn more about specialized treatment at our 中年 Program.



The first trimester can be an exciting, confusing, and overwhelming experience. Our Early Pregnancy Care team providers offer comprehensive, non-judgmental early pregnancy care.






杰西卡·里维拉 doesn't have any family history or risk factors for 乳腺癌. But when she turned 40 she scheduled her first screening mammogram, 别指望结果会是阳性的. Jessica hopes to help other women by sharing her story and urging them to get their 乳房x光检查.


Conquering Cranky – Optimism amid a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

候选材料Shupe was diagnosed with an aggressive form of 乳腺癌 in January of 2019. 候选材料的热情, 乐观, and desire to help others has led to her family motto: "Conquer Cranky." She has taught her children about cancer in a nonthreatening way, 参与各种临床试验, 并筹集了超过11美元,500 for 研究 at HCI with help from her favorite modern aerobics fitness class, 高的健身.


Miss Resilient: Living through Three Unrelated Breast Cancers

After three unrelated 乳腺癌 diagnoses here I am now, at 77, 状态良好, 活跃的, 享受我的生活. 我几乎没有注意到我的乳房切除术. 我的朋友们给我起了个外号叫“韧性小姐”.” I’m sharing my story with the hope that a newly diagnosed woman will know she can rise above this disease.

