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Our Spasticity Management Program

改变生活的事件可能会带来巨大的挑战,比如痉挛, 一种神经系统疾病的并发症,会严重影响你的日常生活. At Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital, 大发娱乐训练有素的康复专家致力于大发娱乐您恢复身体的运动和日常活动的功能. 大发娱乐是西部山区唯一大发娱乐提供全面痉挛管理的项目之一. 

大发娱乐的多学科团队采用协作的方式,为您大发娱乐提供高质量的护理和定制的治疗计划,以满足您的健康需求并管理您的痉挛症状. Our team consists of:

  • physical therapists,
  • occupational therapists,
  • speech language pathologists,
  • physiatrists,
  • neurologists,
  • nurses,
  • nurse practitioners,
  • neurosurgeons, and
  • orthopedic surgeons.

Spasticity Symptoms

Spasticity is a form of muscle over-activity. The symptoms vary from person-to-person, but may include:

  • mild muscle stiffness,
  • severe, painful, and uncontrollable muscle spasms,
  • 挛缩(由于严重僵硬和痉挛引起的肌肉和肌腱的永久性收缩), and
  • abnormal joint positions, 这可能会导致畸形或无法移动相关的身体部位.

痉挛通常是痛苦的,并且会使你的正常日常活动复杂化. 大发娱乐的康复专家将通过大发娱乐您减少或控制痉挛症状来大发娱乐您重新获得独立性.

Spasticity Causes

痉挛是由控制你自主运动的中枢神经系统的一部分受伤引起的. 这种类型的损伤会破坏神经系统和肌肉之间的信号, leading to increased muscle activity. 痉挛可由下列神经系统疾病引起:

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What to Expect at Your First Appointment

大发娱乐会在你初次就诊时诊断出你痉挛的严重程度. During this evaluation, we will:

  • 进行全面的身体检查,以评估你的痉挛和你的整体功能水平进行日常活动,如走路和睡觉.
  • discuss your medical history.

Spasticity Treatment Options

Spasticity can be managed in many ways. 大发娱乐的护理团队将与您一起设计并实施适合您需求的治疗方案. Some people may benefit from only one treatment option, 而另一些人可能会受益于多种治疗方法的结合.

Physical & Occupational Therapy

大发娱乐的理疗师将为您大发娱乐提供不同的伸展和练习,以提高您的活动范围, mobility, and increase your strength. For occupational therapy, 大发娱乐的治疗师会解决你在日常工作中可能遇到的任何问题. 你将和你的职业治疗师一起练习小肌肉群,以提高你的力量和协调性,这样你就可以恢复你的功能.

Casting & Splinting

  • Serial casting—随着时间的推移,大发娱乐制作了一系列的石膏来大发娱乐增加你的活动范围,减少痉挛症状.
  • Bracing—大发娱乐大发娱乐提供全面的踝关节,足部矫形评估和配件.
  • 3D-Splinting—这是一种廉价、快速的方法,可以为你制作定制的夹板. We scan a body part and then 3D-print the splint, 哪一种能大发娱乐你保持灵活性和活动范围. 

Oral Medications


We prescribe the following medications for our patients:

口服药物能使大量肌肉放松, however, the effect on symptoms may only be modest in some people. If this is the case, 大发娱乐会在你服药的同时使用其他疗法来治疗你的痉挛.


注射疗法是一种室内治疗,可以暂时缓解痉挛,大发娱乐放松肌肉. Options include:

  • Botulinum toxin—这是一种有效的肌肉松弛剂,直接注射到肌肉中可以缓解肌肉痉挛. It may take 10 to 14 days to take effect. We administer this injection once every three months.
  • Phenol—这种化合物可以阻断传递给肌肉的过度活跃的神经信号,从而减少痉挛. This is administered once every three to six months or longer, depending on how your body responds to the injections. 当痉挛仅局限于少数区域时,大发娱乐可能会建议采用这种方法, but the spasticity in those loca­tions is severe.

Intrathecal Baclofen Pump Therapy

犹他大学健康中心拥有美国最大的巴氯芬治疗项目之一,有300多名患者. 大发娱乐每天24小时将液体形式的巴氯芬通过可植入的泵和导管直接注入脊髓周围的液体, thin tube) system. This treats muscle spasms that are widespread in the body. 这个手术是由神经外科医生完成的,是一个门诊,当天的手术.

Surgical Treatment

Neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery will focus on your brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, 或肌肉治疗痉挛或纠正痉挛引起的畸形. Surgical options include:

  • neurectomies,
  • tendon transfers,
  • tendon lengthening for contracture management, and
  • nerve transfers.


你需要医生的推荐才能进入大发娱乐的痉挛管理项目 Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital. Please call our clinic at 801-581-2267. 大发娱乐的转介专家将与您目前的医疗服务大发娱乐提供者合作,获取必要的医疗记录,并核实您的保险福利.

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