

癫痫 is a condition that affects the central nervous system and can make a person susceptible to recurrent seizures, 异常行为, 失去知觉或意识. 实际表现因人而异.

It’s important to understand the symptoms to know if you should get tested for epilepsy. 它可以影响所有年龄、身份和背景的人. 美国有300多万人患有癫痫, 这使得它成为最常见的神经系统疾病之一, 根据 疾病控制和预防中心.

uu of U Health癫痫专家Dr. 阿兰微笑着和他的病人在检查室里


Our comprehensive 癫痫 Program delivers world-class care for epilepsy patients with state-of-the-art techniques and treatment approaches. University of Utah Health is one of only a few medical centers in the United States with such a broad range of care for epilepsy.

Our team of physicians and medical professionals provide a comprehensive approach to diagnose and manage seizure disorders and epilepsy. 大发娱乐的多学科合作团队包括:

  • 执照epileptologists,
  • 癫痫神经外科医生,
  • 神经放射,
  • 一个由护士和技术人员组成的敬业团队.


癫痫 has a wide range of symptoms that can manifest differently for different people. Many people associate epilepsy with convulsions, and that can be one sign of this condition. But people can and often do experience epilepsy without ever having a convulsion.


  • 抽搐;
  • 昏厥,或者你不记得刚刚发生了什么事的短时间;
  • 呆呆地望着天空,感到茫然或没有反应;
  • 感觉“模糊”的大脑;
  • sudden falls or other seemingly “clumsy” behavior; and
  • 频繁的重复动作,如眨眼、咂嘴或点头.

儿童癫痫症状 & 婴儿

所有年龄段的人(婴儿), 孩子们, and adults) can experience epilepsy and it’s important to understand common symptoms of epilepsy in 孩子们. 婴儿, 蹒跚学步的, and younger 孩子们 won’t be able to tell you exactly what is going on and you will need to recognize symptoms to know when to go to the doctor.


  • 经常、突然胃痛的主诉;
  • 胃痛或其他症状后嗜睡或意识不清;
  • 比平时睡得多;
  • 醒来后易怒;
  • 抱怨事物的味道、气味、感觉、外观或听起来很奇怪;
  • sudden bursts of fear or anger that come seemingly out of nowhere; and
  • 婴儿, “jackknife” movements while sitting or repetitive jerking grabbing movements with both 手臂s while lying down.

这些迹象中的许多也与正常的儿童行为相似, 所以很难知道什么时候是癫痫. In addition to monitoring symptoms yourself, talk to your child’s doctor about your concerns. 如果你的孩子在上学, discuss it with his or her teacher so they can notify you if similar things happen during the school day.



遗传学据估计, 60 percent of people experience epilepsy due to an inherited (genetic) condition 或者是由于你天生的大脑异常. 虽然症状可以在任何年龄出现, a person with genetic epilepsy is most likely to experience symptoms before age 20.

收购了,The other 40 percent of people experience epilepsy as a result of something that happens, 比如头部受伤, 肿瘤, 癌症, 中风或感染. 这些癫痫症状可以出现在任何年龄. People over age 65 are at higher risk of developing epilepsy after a head injury or 中风.



Our neurologists treat all types of epileptic seizures, including the two main types:

  • The result of abnormal activity in a very specific part of your brain that can spread to other areas.
  • 广义-这些在你的大脑中同时开始, and often includes involuntary loss of muscle 控制 or involuntary muscle movements (jerking seizures).


  • 癫痫发作,但没有失去意识You may experience altered emotions or changes in taste, sight, smell, or hearing. These seizures can also lead to involuntary movements, like jerking in the 手臂 or leg.
  • 癫痫发作伴有意识丧失或意识受损Common symptoms include a person not responding to his or her surroundings and repetitive movements like 精力充沛的, 点头或绕圈走路.


  • 失神发作的这通常发生在儿童身上,包括盯着空间看, 微妙的动作,比如快速眨眼或咂嘴, 以及短暂的意识丧失.
  • 清音的癫痫发作失去肌肉控制,导致跌倒或晕倒.
  • 阵挛性癫痫这需要不随意的肌肉运动, 蜱虫, 或痉挛, 通常是在怀里, 腿, head, 面面积.
  • 肌阵挛性发作,症状包括手臂和腿部突然抽搐或抽搐.
  • 主音癫痫发作,A person with this type of seizure may collapse or fall due to stiffening in the back, 手臂, 或者腿部肌肉.
  • Tonic-clonic癫痫发作,这是最引人注目和最著名的癫痫发作类型, 包括失去意识吗, 僵硬和/或摇晃, and other involuntary actions like loss of bladder 控制 or biting the tongue.

癫痫的诊断 & 测试


We use several diagnostic tools and tests to determine if you or your loved one has epilepsy. A neurologist will determine which of the following test(s) you'll need after your initial consultation.

U of U Health癫痫专家检查病人


大发娱乐治疗癫痫的第一道防线是药物. 然而,在美国估计有300万人.S. 对于癫痫,大约三分之一的患者对药物无效. The possibility of becoming seizure-free goes down with each additional medication trial. Surgery can be a safe and highly effective alternative if your seizures are not 控制led after trying two medications.

研究 has shown that surgical treatment of epilepsy consistently provides the best outcomes. We recommend that patients with hard-to-treat cases of epilepsy be evaluated by our epilepsy specialists.



对一些人来说,癫痫是可以治愈的. 儿童的良性或轻度癫痫症状可能随着年龄的增长而消失. 在某些情况下,癫痫药物也可以治愈癫痫. We consider epilepsy to be “cured” after a person is seizure-free for 10 years and has gone at least five years without medication.

如果药物不能治愈或控制你的癫痫,手术可能是一种选择. Our epilepsy specialists can help you determine if your seizures are in a location where surgery will help treat, 控制, 或者治愈它们.


Many of the symptoms of epilepsy are similar to symptoms of other medical conditions. 重要的是要得到正确的诊断,排除其他潜在的原因. Talk to your primary care provider if you think that you or your loved one might have epilepsy. Many primary care providers can diagnose epilepsy and prescribe medication as an initial treatment.

患者也可以通过电话预约大发娱乐的癫痫诊所 801-585-7575. Some insurance plans require a referral from a primary care provider to see a specialist. 大发娱乐的调度员可以要求您的初级保健大发娱乐提供者转介. You can also contact your insurance carrier for specific questions about your coverage.

倾听病人的心声 & 专家