

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that affects your brain 和 spinal cord. It damages the myelin sheath, the tissue that surrounds 和 protects your nerve cells. This damage blocks or slows down messages between your brain 和 body, causing symptoms such as weakness, 平衡问题, 和麻木.

While there is currently no cure for MS, treatments can help slow its progression, 减少复发的严重程度, 控制症状.


MS affects nearly one million Americans 和 about 2.全世界有500万人. More women than men receive an MS diagnosis.


Multiple sclerosis can occur at any age. Most people with MS develop symptoms between the ages of 20 和 40.



MS is unpredictable 和 affects people differently. Some people have mild symptoms that come 和 go. For others, symptoms are more severe 和 frequent.

People with MS may experience a variety of symptoms:

  • 平衡问题

  • Difficulty with walking or coordination

  • 头晕

  • 乏力

  • 肌肉无力

  • Sensations of pain, numbness, prickling, tingling, burning

  • 性功能障碍

  • 思考和记忆问题

  • 紧绷僵硬的肌肉

  • 震动

  • 膀胱控制不佳

  • Vision problems, such as blurred or double vision

女性多发性硬化症症状vs. 男人

The symptoms of MS in men 和 women are similar. However, some research shows that men with MS may have more severe nerve cell loss in their brains. Loss of nerve cells can affect your movement, sight, speech.

Women with MS may notice their symptoms increase during their period or improve during pregnancy. MS does not affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant or give birth to a healthy child. 


Worsening symptoms in MS can lead to a variety of complications:

  • 走路困难

  • 排便或膀胱失控

  • 内存问题

  • 情绪问题,比如 焦虑抑郁症

  • Severe weakness or paralysis (typically in your legs)

  • 性问题

Early Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis symptoms do not follow a pattern that applies to everyone. Many MS symptoms are also symptoms of other, more treatable conditions.

Vision problems are among the most common early signs of MS, often caused by optic neuritis. Optic neuritis occurs when your optic nerve is irritated 和 inflamed. Optic neuritis causes pain when you move your eyes 和 temporary vision loss in one eye.

Early on, patients also experience other common MS symptoms:

  • 平衡问题

  • 头晕

  • 乏力

  • 头疼

  • 肌肉无力

  • 麻木和刺痛

  • 膀胱控制不佳


MS pain can come 和 go or become frequent 和 long-lasting. People with MS may experience specific sensations related to pain:

  • 瘙痒

  • 麻木

  • 如坐针毡

  • 挤压

  • 紧绷的肌肉

This type of pain is caused by damage to the nerves carrying signals from the brain to the body. People with MS may experience musculoskeletal pain affecting their bones, 肌肉, 关节, 和神经.


研究ers don’t know what causes multiple sclerosis. They have identified a variety of factors 这可能起到了一定作用:

  • Autoimmune system problems (when your immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake)

  • Environmental factors, such as your diet 和 vitamin D levels

  • 基因突变

  • 感染,如病毒


Doctors most commonly diagnose MS in white women between the ages of 20 和 40, but men 和 people of other ethnicities may also be affected. 研究ers have identified several risk factors that contribute to developing MS:

  • 高盐和高脂肪的饮食

  • 有多发性硬化症家族史

  • 自身免疫性疾病,比如 1型糖尿病 or 炎症性肠病

  • Certain infections, such as Epstein-Barr

  • Low vitamin D levels 和 low exposure to sunlight

  • 肥胖

  • 吸烟


As a disease, MS is not passed down from generation to generation. However, changes in your genes play a role in determining your risk of getting MS. Scientists have identified about 200 genes that may contribute to a person’s risk of getting MS.

为什么选择U - Health?

Many U of U Health specialists have dedicated their careers to caring for adults 和 children with multiple sclerosis at the 影像与神经科学中心, 临床神经科学中心, 初级儿童医院l. Our team of MS specialists stays informed about the latest treatment st和ards 和 other care guidelines. Many of our providers are involved in research 和 clinical trials related to MS care. They underst和 the challenges of an MS diagnosis 和 are here to help 和 support you every step of the way.

Make an Appointment With an MS Specialist

打电话给801-805-7575 or 网上预约 to make an appointment with a U of U Health neurologist. You will need a referral from your primary care provider or another clinician who cares for you to see our neurologists. 您的大发娱乐提供商可以使用大发娱乐的 网上转介表格 或致电801-585-7575.
