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一对夫妇在输精管结扎手术10个月后迎来了新宝宝——steve Tait


史蒂夫·泰特(Steve Tait)在生了第五个孩子后才知道他的家庭已经完整了. 他期待着抚养他的女儿和四个儿子,大发娱乐他们学习、成长和驾驭生活.

In June 2000, Tait chose to get a vasectomy, 一种切断输精管(通往睾丸的管道)的外科手术,使男性不育,无法生育.

Getting a vasectomy is common, 美国每年有50万男性接受这项手术. It is also very effective, 这种被认为是永久性的男性节育措施的失败率不到1%. That is, unless you decide to get a vasectomy reversal, 这就是大约6%做了输精管切除术的男性最终会做的事情. Tait is one of these men.

In 2017, Tait got remarried. His new wife had no children of her own, 泰特前一段婚姻所生的五个孩子现在都已成年, living on their own. 泰特和他的妻子开始讨论要孩子的可能性, but there was just one obstacle: Tait's vasectomy. Luckily, Tait was referred to Jim Hotaling, MD, MS, FECSM, a urologist at University of Utah Health.

除了是一名委员会认证的泌尿外科医生外,Hotaling还是美国泌尿外科协会的主任 Men's Health Program at U of U Health. He is also the leading expert in male infertility 在西部山区,每年都会有400多名不孕患者.

"Dr. Hotaling is the best," Tait said. “我很高兴他和他在犹他大学健康中心的团队对我如此照顾."

For most patients, 输精管结扎逆转手术的总体成功率很高,在90- 95%之间. 在输精管结扎手术后5年内进行手术的患者死亡率更高. For patients like Tait, the success rate is closer to 90 percent, given that he was 20 years out from his vasectomy.

即使成功率稍低,泰特的手术仍然是完全成功的. He had a vasectomy reversal on June 18, 2020, at University of Utah Hospital in Salt Lake City.

Weeks later, his wife was pregnant. 泰特说:“7月31日,她在家里做了孕检,结果呈阳性。. Just ten months after surgery, Tait's wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Arran Chhay Sakohl Tait, born on April 18, 2021.

“20年后,我真的认为机会不大, so this was very eye-opening for me," Tait said. “如果你有一个合适的医生——一个像他这样好的外科医生. Hotaling—amazing things can happen."

Vasectomy Reversal Surgery

Vasectomy reversal surgery is performed using various techniques. No matter the technique, 这种手术被认为是一种显微手术:由于手术面积小和手术本身的复杂性,这种手术需要显微镜和更小的工具. 除了在这种手术中使用更小的工具, Hotaling和他的团队使用的缝合材料比人类头发还要细.

“这是大发娱乐的手术如此成功的部分原因,”霍塔林说. “大发娱乐确保大发娱乐使用正确的工具来完成工作,无论程序如何."

输精管结扎逆转手术耗时短则两个小时,长则四个小时. 在泰特的案例中,手术从开始到结束持续了大约三个小时. But he was at the surgery center for seven hours. Hotaling performed an epididymovasostomy 这是最复杂的显微外科手术之一,用于修复附睾中的精子阻塞.

"Dr. Hotaling真的非常用心地照顾我,”泰特说. “我的案子不是最简单的,但他花了时间来确保做得正确."

因为泰特做输精管结扎手术已经很多年了, he wasn't sure if the reversal would be successful. He decided to have a testicular sperm extraction (TESE) at the time of surgery. 这使他能够将收集到的精子储存在精子库中 in-vitro fertilization if needed. 幸运的是,泰特不需要依靠体外受精来养育他的家庭.


Hotaling将泰特手术的成功归功于他的团队多年的经验, along with the frequency of the procedures performed.

虽然逆转通常是相当成功的,但也有 factors that can affect the outcome, including the following:

  • Procedure technique
  • Skill level of surgeon
  • Length of time since vasectomy
  • Quality of your vasal fluid
  • Whether you have a blockage in your epididymis

No matter the circumstance, Hotaling有一些建议给那些正在考虑输精管切除术的人, or any microsurgical procedure.

"If you are going to get a vasectomy reversal, 你想找一个做过很多次的人, and also does them often," Hotaling said. “我和我的同事每年要做数百例显微手术, and this keeps us well-practiced, always learning, and always improving."

Vasectomy Reversal Recovery

手术后的疼痛和不适对大多数患者来说是最小的. 布洛芬和泰诺在需要的时候用来止痛,同时用冰袋来消肿. 对泰特来说,康复过程很简单,没有痛苦.

泰特说:“我非常感谢照顾我的手术团队. “他们一定是把伤口修补好了,因为之后的经历相对来说没有什么痛苦. 我没有真正的疼痛,只是几天来有点不舒服."

与所有手术一样,输精管结扎术也有一定的风险. 感染和阴囊内出血是可能的副作用, along with the procedure proving unsuccessful, failing to restore fertility.

Even with the possible risks, 泰特很高兴他决定扣动扳机进行输精管切除术和手术逆转.

"For people who are questioning getting a vasectomy, 只要知道这是一件好事,也是一种很好的避孕方式," Tait said. “因为它可以逆转,所以这是一个更好的选择."

泰特更感激一次成功的手术意味着:一个新的家庭成员, 未来可能会有更多的孩子.

"Before my wife and I were married, 我有一种反复出现的感觉,如果大发娱乐结婚了,大发娱乐会很幸福," Tait said. "We weren't thinking of kids then, but when my wife found out she was pregnant, 我意识到那份祝福是什么:拥有一个孩子,组建一个家庭."

And the family might not be done growing yet. 阿兰宝宝将来可能会有个小弟弟.

"My wife hasn't ruled it out," Tait said. "There's definitely a possibility of a second one."

Make an Appointment Today

Are you considering a vasectomy reversal? Do you have questions or concerns about your fertility or overall health?

No matter your question or concern, Men's Health Services at U of U Health provides care for men of all ages. 从定期检查到治疗复杂疾病, 大发娱乐的医生和专家拥有丰富的经验和资源,为您大发娱乐提供高质量的服务, 盐湖城地区及周边城市的低成本医疗.

Take charge of your health. Call or request an appointment today.