

Jorun Christanson站在一群树木和树叶中

Since he was 14 years old, Jorun Christianson's life has been heavily impacted by severe 强迫症(强迫症). His experience with 强迫症 goes beyond the common misconceptions and stereotypes involving intrusive thoughts and repetitive, 导致严重痛苦的仪式性行为. Instead, Jorun's 强迫症 manifests as scrupulosity, germaphobia, and cleanliness rituals. 这些强迫症已经占据了乔伦的日常生活, 制造的混乱超出了他的意识,进入了他周围的环境.

“强迫症 took control of my life—I spent countless hours every day on obsessions and rituals”
Jorun Christianson,很有耐心

Jorun说. The constant rumination and intrusive thoughts left him feeling guilty and paranoid most of the day, 丝毫没有缓解. His disorder made it difficult to hold a job or maintain healthy connections with others, 让Jorun感到迷失,与周围的世界脱节.

尽管尝试了很多药物, 认知行为疗法, 暴露和反应预防(ERP), 还有其他治疗方法, Jorun's 强迫症 did not improve and was considered resistant to conventional methods. 强迫症 robbed Jorun of his passions and success along with the basic pleasures of adolescence and the joys of life. 最终, 乔伦觉得自己很虚弱,他住在家里, 挣扎于自杀的念头, and at one point even moved his bed into his parents' room out of concern for his life.


In July 2023, after years of worry, despair, and heartbreak, Jorun found hope in the 精神神经外科项目 犹他健康大学的研究员. This unique collaboration between the Department of Neurosurgery and the Department of Psychiatry works in concert with the 难治性情绪障碍(TRMD)诊所 亨茨曼心理健康研究所, offering innovative treatments for patients with treatment-resistant mental health disorders.

功能神经外科医生本·肖夫蒂说, MD, 博士学位, 在手术室里给病人做脑起搏器手术

大发娱乐,乔伦被介绍给一个专门照顾他的多学科团队. 他遇到了 本·肖夫蒂,医学博士,博士, a functional 神经surgeon specializing in 深部脑刺激 and other methods of 神经modulation for treatment-resistant disorders. 此外,乔伦继续他的精神治疗 布伦特米. Kious,医学博士,博士, an associate professor of psychiatry whose research focuses on ethical issues in psychiatry, 重度抑郁症的新疗法, 自杀预防项目. 

Dr. 基斯从一开始就参与了乔伦的治疗, 在他的旅程中大发娱乐提供全面的支持和专业知识. 在一起,博士. 肖夫蒂和博士. 基斯给乔伦带来了新的希望.

随着 only hospital in the Mountain West offering surgical procedures for treatment-resistant mental health disorders在美国,精神神经外科项目给了乔伦一丝希望. 经过这么多次常规治疗都没能缓解病情,乔伦看到 深部脑刺激 作为他最后的手段. DBS is a surgical procedure that involves implanting electrodes in specific areas of the brain. These electrodes deliver electrical pulses that can help regulate abnormal brain activity and provide relief for patients with debilitating 强迫症.

DBS已经成为治疗难治性强迫症患者的游戏规则改变者. Shofty说. “It offers a new avenue of hope for those who have not found relief through traditional methods.”

DBS does more than treat the symptoms of 强迫症; it also helps patients respond better to treatment approaches that didn’t work in the past. 它也是可调节和可逆的.

Dr. 肖夫蒂和博士. Kious collaborate closely to ensure that patients like Jorun receive comprehensive, 多学科治疗. This integrated approach combines the expertise of 神经外科 and psychiatry to provide the best possible outcomes for patients with complex, 难治性条件.

接受DBS的患者需要多次随访以确保最佳效果. The team stays in touch, adjusting the device as needed and providing continuity of care. It's not just a one-and-done procedure; the commitment to ongoing support is crucial for long-term success.


手术后,乔伦的生活有了显著改善. He no longer struggles with suicidality and has found joy in his work as a barber. Activities that were once overwhelming, like talking with clients, are now enjoyable. 他也能更坚持地锻炼,吃得更健康, 他发现这种疗法更有效. 

"I've started sleeping in my own room and even think about moving out eventually," he said.

Jorun Christanson给客户理发

“The more we research 强迫症, the more we understand that it is a brain circuit disorder,” Dr. Shofty说. “Much like in epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease, a specific brain network is hyperactive. 大发娱乐希望随着研究的继续, the stigma that is often associated with psychiatric disorders will subside and more patients will feel comfortable knowing that 强迫症 is just like any other disorder.“Jorun的旅程改变了他对心理健康的看法. 他明白精神疾病可能会很严重,危及生命. He advocates for greater awareness and understanding of 强迫症 and the importance of seeking appropriate treatment. “我想让人们知道,如果传统的治疗方法不起作用, 可能需要接受脑起搏器之类的治疗来控制他们的疾病,他强调说.

朋友的关心和理解, 家庭, and health care professionals have made a significant difference in Jorun’s recovery, 即使人们不知道该如何大发娱乐他们. “My 家庭 stood by me through every difficult moment, and their support kept me going,” Jorun说. 现在, he can enjoy activities and hobbies that help him connect with others: playing sports, 与所爱的人共度时光, 并大发娱乐指导高中网球队. 他终于期待着一个充满希望和可能性的未来.

“尽你所能得到你需要的治疗,”他说. “这是一场战斗, 但我的家人拒绝放弃, 我希望其他人也能这样做,因为这是值得的.”
Jorun Christanson

Jorun's story is a testament to the importance of perseverance in seeking treatment for mental health conditions, highlighting the critical need for comprehensive care and the profound impact it can have on an individual’s life.



Many patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder experience episodes of depression that do not respond to first-line treatments such as psychotherapy and medications.

You may have a treatment-resistant mood disorder if you meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • You have tried two or more antidepressant medications with little to no long-term symptom improvement.
  • Psychotherapy and medications aren’t enough to significantly reduce your symptoms.
  • You experience periods of treatment success, but your symptoms return with severity.

Your health care provider will rule out other health conditions and mental health disorders to diagnose a treatment-resistant mood disorder. 在 难治性情绪障碍(TRMD)诊所 亨茨曼心理健康研究所, our specialists will identify the condition associated with your symptoms and find treatments that can help bring you relief.