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What Is an Upper Respiratory Infection?

上呼吸道感染是一种会引起鼻塞的疾病, runny nose, sore throat, and cough. It can also cause a fever for the first few days. 上呼吸道感染是由病毒引起的. 

Types of Upper Respiratory Infections

大多数上呼吸道感染通常被称为普通感冒. 然而,有些病毒会导致更严重的症状,可能需要特定的治疗:

Acute Upper Respiratory Infection

急性上呼吸道感染持续时间不超过21天. 这些频繁的感染不需要药物治疗. 你的症状可能会恶化,但大多数人在7天后开始感觉好转.

Upper Respiratory Infection Symptoms


  • Body aches

  • Cough that can be dry or productive

  • Ear pressure, fullness, or pain

  • Fever or Chills

  • Headache

  • Low energy or fatigue

  • Nasal congestion, runny nose, and facial pressure

  • Sore throat

  • Upper chest tightness or congestion

  • Wheezing


大多数上呼吸道感染会在大约三周内自行好转. 试着休息和使用家庭疗法让自己感觉好一点. You should see your primary care provider if your symptoms worsen. 如果持续发烧超过72小时,请寻求医疗大发娱乐.

儿童在上呼吸道感染后也会出现耳部感染. If your child develops ear pain, 尤其是发烧两天后还不退烧的时候, seek medical attention.

When to Go to Urgent Care

有时候,上呼吸道感染在家里并没有好转. Go to an urgent care center if you experience certain symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath

  • Deepened cough in the lower chest

  • Fever for more than 72 hours

  • 对乙酰氨基酚或布洛芬不能缓解的发烧

You don’t need an appointment to visit our urgent care centers. We also offer virtual urgent care visits from the comfort of your home. Any concern for ear infection needs to be seen in person.

Are Upper Respiratory Infections Contagious?

Upper respiratory infections are contagious. They spread through the air we breathe. 在症状出现前两天,你的传染性最强. 你的传染性会持续到症状出现6天后. 如果你24小时不发烧不吃退烧药,你的传染性就会降低. 戴上遮住口鼻的口罩可以保护你周围的人免受感染.

What Causes Upper Respiratory Infections?

大多数上呼吸道感染是由病毒引起的. 这些病毒可以在感染者咳嗽或打喷嚏时通过飞沫传播. 如果他们用手咳嗽并接触到什么东西,飞沫会留在门把手等东西上. Sometimes, bacteria cause respiratory infections.

Upper Respiratory Infection Exam

您的医疗保健大发娱乐提供者执行检查,以获得他们需要制定治疗计划的信息. 在你就诊的时候,医生会询问你有什么症状,这些症状持续了多久. 身体检查包括看你的耳朵和喉咙,听你的心脏和肺. 有时你的医生会给你做流感、COVID和RSV等常见病毒的检测. 他们可能会对你进行链球菌性喉炎检查,或者进行胸部x光检查是否有细菌感染.

How to Treat Upper Respiratory Infections

Upper Respiratory Infection Medications


  • 对乙酰氨基酚和布洛芬有助于发烧和疼痛.

  • 黏液和鼻窦缓解药可以清除充血.

  • Cough medicine calms coughing.

 Upper Respiratory Infection Supportive Therapy


  • Saline nasal rinse–用生理盐水冲洗鼻子以缓解鼻塞.

  • Humidifier at your bedside–向空气中添加水分可以缓解鼻塞和鼻窦干燥.

  • Increase fluid intake for hydration–保持水分可以大发娱乐你的身体从疾病中恢复.

  • Mucus suction for children–使用球茎注射器或吸痰导管清除粘液. Children under two, and especially under six months, 气道小,难以清除粘液. Thinning the mucus with nasal saline can help.

抗病毒药物支持检测呈阳性的人 flu or COVID-19. 抗病毒药物大发娱乐你的免疫系统对抗病毒. 在出现症状的48小时内开始用药. 你将需要你的初级保健大发娱乐提供者的处方.

Steroids for Upper Respiratory Infection


  • Asthma

  • Wheezing

  • Coughing fits

Antibiotics for Upper Respiratory Infections

大多数上呼吸道感染是由病毒引起的. Antibiotics do not help resolve viral infections. Sometimes, 耳部感染或肺炎等细菌感染可能在感染病毒后发生,需要用抗生素治疗. 链球菌性咽喉炎是一种常见的细菌感染,尤其是在25岁以下的人群中.


Our primary care providers 当你需要上呼吸道感染的护理时能大发娱乐你吗.

当你来到U of U Health时,你可以期待专家的护理. 大发娱乐的初级护理和紧急护理团队大发娱乐提供方便的护理选择,以满足您的需求:

  • A wide variety of locations

  • Virtual urgent care visits from the comfort of your home

  • Walk-in appointments at urgent care centers

  • Extended hours to fit your schedule

  • 紧急护理和初级保健大发娱乐提供者之间的协调

Make an Appointment With a Primary Care Provider

Call 801-213-9500 or 与初级保健大发娱乐提供者预约. You can also visit one of our many urgent care locations or schedule a virtual urgent care visit. You don’t need a referral for either visit. 当您安排预约或到达大发娱乐的一个地点时,请携带您的保险信息.

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