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Med Student Mentor: Considering an MD-PhD? Get the Inside Scoop from Someone Who Just Got One

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Med Student Mentor: Considering an MD-PhD? Get the Inside Scoop from Someone Who Just Got One

Jun 29, 2015
Med Student Mentor, Andrew Meschter, talks to Ryan Craig MD-PhD about the 项目,是什么样的,他的经历,以及双学位的优势. He also gets some tips for someone considering becoming a research scientist.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: Thinking about getting an MD-PhD? 今天大发娱乐要和一个刚刚完成医学博士课程的人谈谈,下一个节目是Scope Radio.

Announcer: Navigating your way through med school can be tough. Wouldn't it be great if you had a mentor to help you out? Well, whether you're first year or fourth year, we got you covered. The Med Student Mentor is on The Scope.

Interviewer: 今天大发娱乐要和一位拥有非常专业学位的人交谈,他是医学博士. We're here with Ryan Craig. 你能告诉大发娱乐获得医学博士学位与获得四年制医学院学位有什么不同吗?

Ryan: The way that our program works, and most programs, you do the first two years with your normal medical school class, go to all your classes, take step one, but whenever the rest of the class moves on to the clinicals, you go into the lab and start your project.

Most places can take two, three, four, sometimes even five years to finish your research, 然后你又被注射回医学院在诊所和医院工作三年. 所以这需要更多的时间投入,但最终你会拿到两个学位.

Interviewer: So when you talk about doing research as an MD-PhD student, do you pursue a type of research that you're initially interested in, or is it something you're assigned?

Ryan: Well, it's kind of funny because my situation was a little unique. I started medical school after Hurricane Katrina came through New Orleans. A lot of the researchers didn't come back the year following, so we were a little limited on what we could choose. I originally wanted to go into cancer research, 同时找到了一个很棒的实验室,有一个很棒的导师和很多做艾滋病研究的资源.

我并不认为项目本身比你能学到的工具和信息更重要, 因为我未来的计划可能是利用我在实验室学到的工具,回到更多以癌症为导向的研究中.

Interviewer: As an MD-PhD, 你可以选择什么样的主题或者兴趣来攻读博士学位吗?

Ryan: Yeah, our program was really great in that you could pick from a number of departments; pathology, biochemistry, physiology, neuroanatomy, even chemistry. 所以无论你的兴趣是什么,你都可以在所有这些项目中找到适合你的地方. As long as it's a biomedically-related field, 我想大多数课程都允许你选择你想去的地方.

Interviewer: When MD-PhDs complete medical school and the PhD program as well, do all of them go on to complete a residency in a hospital?

Ryan: As far as I know, most probably do. 在我看来,让自己经历医学院的折磨却不去真正利用它们是一种浪费. So for the most part I believe that most people do. 很多时候,他们在实习期间会在脑海中进行研究,并试图寻找未来的职业,使他们能够同时做到这两点. 我知道有些人会在实习期结束后把大部分时间都花在研究上. 但在大多数情况下,我认为这些医学博士研究生是对研究感兴趣的临床医生, or like they like to call them, physician scientists.

Interviewer: For a prospective MD-PhD student, 你能想到他们在进入研究生教育之前可能已经掌握了哪些技能吗, or maybe personality traits, or just in general interests that might push someone to pursue an MD-PhD?

Ryan: I think it's important to have a real attention to details. You know, 当你在计划实验时,你必须提前对你的期望有很多的见解, 如何处理失败是一件非常重要的事情,因为你的实验往往不成功,或者没有达到你的预期.

So to be able to persevere in those kinds of situations is important. I think just a curiosity to learn is a good trait to have. 我会一直阅读课本上的东西,想要了解更多可能被掩盖或被认为不重要的东西, and so with the background in research, 你可以进去问这些问题,甚至可以自己解决其中的一些问题.

Interviewer: 我认为经历失败的能力也可以转化为医学博士.

Ryan: Yes, that's for sure.

Interviewer: 在日常实践中,医学博士和医学博士有什么不同?

Ryan: 我确实计划以医学博士的身份行医,这可能是我一半以上的时间, 但我也希望能够参与到医院正在进行的项目中, in the medical schools, and in the research labs.

我没有拿到博士学位的一个主要原因是,我发现自己管理整个实验室很困难, where you spend most of your time writing grants and writing papers, and not really a lot of time doing the research yourself, as an MD-PhD you bring a unique skill set where you have access to patients, 你有医学方面的知识,你也有做研究所需的技能和工具. So you're a very wanted piece of the puzzle.

能够有一点额外的医疗实践时间来做研究, 这让你可以专注于你想要专注的事情,而不必成为管理实验室的官僚主义,成为一名全职研究人员.

Interviewer: 这当然是一个很好的观点,因为在我的医学教育过程中,循证医学的重要性一次又一次地被提及, 对循证医学是如何发展的有一个很好的了解,这对医学博士来说是非常宝贵的.

Does your MD-PhD degree qualify you to do anything that an MD can't do?

Ryan: That's a good question. It's not quite as specialized as one might think. As an MD, you can actually run your own lab if you wish. 我知道有些人已经放弃了执业,但通过继续教育课程和重新参加董事会等方式保住了他们的医学博士学位, but that use their full time towards running labs.

So it's not that you can't, 只是医学博士培训项目真的能让你知道如何做这些事情,而不必在以后的职业生涯中浪费很多时间去弄清楚如何写拨款, how to write papers, and what projects you may or may not be interested in.

Interviewer: 你对正在考虑攻读医学博士学位的医学预科学生有什么建议吗?

Ryan: Yes. Find a lab to work in, 无论是在暑假做志愿者,还是参与一个大项目, or even as much as just preparing materials for projects. To be able to be in that environment, to really see if that's what you like, because it is a pretty big commitment to do an MD-PhD program, and if you find out a couple years into it that you don't like it, you might have wasted a good bit of time.

Experience is a plus no matter how you can get it, and like what happened to me, 它甚至不一定是你最感兴趣的东西,只要你能从中学到一些东西. Meet some professors, meet some researchers and see what their lives are like.

Interviewer: Last question. Would you do it again if you had the option?

Ryan: Yeah. The benefits that I see now looking back, it made me a much better public speaker, it made me much more confident about my work. This program in most places will pay your tuition and a stipend as well, 所以我从这个项目中落后了几年,但没有贷款或债务. I think that is one of the biggest advantages, too, 当我展望未来的时候,我的脑海里并没有这个问题.

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