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每个孩子都不一样. But how can parents tell if the difference in their child stems from autism? Dr. 杰弗里·安德森谈到了自闭症对大脑的影响, and why personality differences in autistic individuals should be considered a gift rather than a disease. He also discusses the signs and symptoms of autism for parents to recognize.


面试官: How does autism affect the brain, and what are some of the signs of symptoms of autism? 大发娱乐将在范围中详细讨论.

记录: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: 大发娱乐正在和Dr. 犹他大学神经放射学的杰夫·安德森说.
Dr. 安德森,首先,有什么迹象和症状? 父母如何知道他们的孩子患有自闭症?

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 多好的问题啊. There are a couple classic symptoms that are associated with autism. One is that individuals have difficulties with social interaction and communication. 他们喜欢独来独往. 他们可能难以进行眼神交流. 他们在很小的时候还不会说话, 并且可能语调异常或沟通能力差. 这是一大组症状.

面试官: 这些症状是什么时候开始出现的? 什么年龄,大约,你认为?

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: Often, parents can track abnormalities even before a child's first birthday.

面试官: 哦,真的! 早期的?

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 是的. 通常在三岁左右确诊.

面试官: When the child is so young, 也许 you just think that's normal that they're not really communicating.

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 是的.

面试官: 你怎么知道呢??

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 好吧,有细微的区别. 有时, 当父母会回头看孩子的行为, they'll have repetitive movements or specific types of difficulties in making eye contact or bonding or other types of social behaviors that sometimes you can even see before a child learns to talk.

面试官: So, 他们不能很好地沟通, 或者他们还太小,不能交流, 它们的哪些感觉会影响大脑, 像演讲? 让大发娱乐先谈谈演讲.

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 说话经常延迟, 不总是, 但往往在自闭症中延迟, and there are often some peculiar or idiosyncratic types of ways of talking. 所以有些孩子经常会鹦鹉学舌地背一些特定的短语, or they may perseverate on certain words that they say over and over again. 有时语调不准确. 只是听起来 . . . right now, when you're a toddler, everything sounds a little funny.

面试官: 是的,当然. 是的.

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 但不同,或奇怪. 有时 there are peculiar words that they make up and ascribe different meanings to.

面试官: 我从书上读到他们什么都照字面理解.

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 是的,通常是这样. They have difficulty with figurative speech, and they tend to not see the forest. 他们看到了树.

面试官: What's going on in the brain that makes them view words like that?

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 好吧, one of the things that we think might be going on is there are networks in the brain that process attention to yourself, 当你自言自语的时候, 当你想到自己的时候, and other brain networks that process attention to the outside world. 大发娱乐相信在自闭症中, 有时候当你陷入自己的想法时, 外面的景象和声音可能会打扰你, 不需要的时候就会进来. 反之亦然, you can be paying attention to the outside world and you can't shut off that voice in your head.
自闭症, some individuals have a hypersensitivity to sights and sounds and textures, 以及其他个人, 或者在其他情况下, may actually have less sensitivity for certain sights and sounds. 换句话说, they can't discriminate different sights or sounds as well as somebody without autism. 你可以在同一个人身上看到这两种情况.

面试官: So how is a parent supposed to distinguish between this is normal, 这是蹒跚学步的孩子和患有自闭症的孩子的对比? 显然,大发娱乐说每个孩子都不一样. 他们只是不同的,但是. . .

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 当这些小差异足够多的时候, you start to wonder about autism in not only language and social function, 还有一些特定的行为, 像摇摆, 没有能力. . .

面试官: 所以身体行为?

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 这是正确的.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 特定的动作,手或身体的重复动作. 有时他们会不正常地玩玩具, like they'll look at the parts of toys rather than play with the whole thing as it was designed. Or they might take a number of toys and just line them up along the floor. 这些都是典型的症状. 你知道, 其中任何一个都不能被诊断为自闭症, but when you start having lots of these different types of symptoms, 然后你开始想到自闭症.

面试官: 如果父母不把它捡起来会发生什么?

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 嗯,这很常见. 要知道,自闭症并不是一种单一的疾病. 有很多不同的情况, probably with different genetic causes and different environmental causes. 它们有一些相似之处, 大发娱乐把他们归类为自闭症, 或者是自闭症谱系, but that autism spectrum goes all the way from a child who sits in the corner rocking and can't speak to a very bright child that may have higher than normal intelligence, 但是在社交上很奇怪. So you have this wide spectrum of what you can see with autism.

面试官: Let's say that the parent now can kind of see something different in their child. 他们带他们去看医生. They do the clinicals, make sure that it is autism that they're diagnosed with. 下一步是什么?

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 这是个好问题. We are hopeful that the treatments that have been developed in social function, 在语言治疗中, 在教育孩子社会界限和规则, in helping them to communicate in their own way; that these kinds of interventions may be more effective if they're started earlier. So we want to learn about a child as early as possible so that we can plug them into the resources that we have.

面试官: So it's very important to diagnose a child with autism at an early age if they have it?

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 如果可能的话. 你知道, sometimes it's just not picked up until a child starts school, or not picked up at all.

面试官: 你认为被诊断出来的孩子有什么害处吗, 也许, 在生命早期, 与, 也许, 在以后的生活中?

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 好吧, sometimes we worry more when we have a label or a diagnosis.

面试官: 正确的.

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: I hope that that comes with some counseling and ideas that autism may 不总是 be a disease. 对一些孩子来说,这是一种天赋.

面试官: 哈. 解释一下.

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: 好吧, I had a letter the other day from a graduate student in psychology with autism who said, “你真的不应该把自闭症称为一种疾病. 像我这样的人, 我觉得这是一种祝福,“这是一种特殊的或不同的个性, 但是自闭症患者通常都很聪明. 他们很诚实. 他们实话实说. 它们在很多方面都很清新. Those are an important part of our society and can be thought of as a personality.
现在, 另一方面, 大发娱乐也见过不能说话的孩子, 都是残疾人, and so there has to be some perspective about to what extent does something need treatment, and what can we offer a child with autism to leverage their strengths.

面试官: 这是看待自闭症的一个很好的方式,把它当作一种礼物. 最后有什么想法吗?

Dr. 杰夫·安德森: I just would encourage individuals that think their child may have autism to get some good advice because there are so many interesting developments that happen as a child ages and grows. 通常, 大发娱乐担心父母, and having a really trusted clinician or physician offer a perspective can sometimes make a world of difference in putting your mind to rest, 或者大发娱乐提供一些资源来大发娱乐提供大发娱乐.

记录: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. 这是Scope. 犹他大学健康科学电台.