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Picking Birth Control: A Highly Personal Choice

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Picking Birth Control: A Highly Personal Choice

Nov 12, 2014

Most women have periods in their lives, however brief or lengthy, where they do not wish to get pregnant. Dr. Kirtly Jones简要介绍了多年来避孕方法的历史和生育控制的持续进展. 无论你是在考虑开始避孕还是改变避孕方式, curious about the side effects or cost, 或者只是想了解更多关于女性避孕的知识, Dr. Jones can answer your questions.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Jones: The pill. Birth control day is November 12. 一点历史,一点信息,以及大发娱乐关于避孕的方向. This is Dr. 来自犹他大学卫生保健妇产科的Kirtly Jones,大发娱乐是the Scope.

Announcer: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Dr. Jones: Whatever you think personally, the vast majority of women have had a moment, maybe a day, maybe a year, maybe a lifetime, when they didn't want to get pregnant. Throughout recorded history, women have tried all kinds of potions, positions, 为了不怀孕而做的手术. 有些是有点大发娱乐,有些是非常有害的,有些是荒谬的. Barrier methods like condoms and diaphragms, 在性交时用来阻止精子接近卵子的方法, have been around for a long time, 但是,在你没有真正想清楚的时候使用避孕方法是不太成功的. 宫内节育器已经存在了一段时间,但不是现在的形式.

In 1960, after years of animal and human trials, 女性可以服用荷尔蒙避孕药. The doses were high, about five times higher than current doses, the side effects were significant, and women were desperate to take the pill. 发明者发明了一种避孕药,可以阻止排卵,但会让女性每月来一次月经. 月经周期是为了让女性知道自己没有怀孕. Home pregnancy tests weren't available then. 它的制定也是希望教皇会认为这是自然的,并允许天主教妇女使用它. Well, that didn't work so well, but Catholic women took the pill anyway, and it worked if you took it regularly.

但现在,大发娱乐已经远远超出了避孕药的范围. We know more and we have more choices. 在考虑避孕时,一些女性考虑的是效果. Some women think about side effects and risks. Some women think about costs, and for some women, how it works matters to them, and women like me think about all those things. So, 让大发娱乐从对我来说最重要的开始讨论避孕方法, which is effectiveness.

有效性通常以使用特定方法在一年内怀孕的机会来表示. There's a problem here. Women using birth control for many years, maybe up to 30 years, 所以这些方法可能会有怀孕的机会, so-called failure rate, 每年10%的人在10年内累积怀孕的几率就非常高. 此外,方法的有效性或失败率往往取决于妇女做的事情. 如果她不做,或者做得不对,就行不通. 这个方法在理论上可能很好,但在实践中就不那么好了.

So, 你不需要考虑的有效方法包括堵塞女性的输卵管或男性的输卵管, but this is permanent. The lifetime failure rate, lifetime, 30 years, of tubal ligation or vasectomy might be about 1%, not per year, but for lifetime, 但这是不可逆转的,有些人现在就是不想要孩子, 但他们希望晚些时候有一个,或者至少留有余地.

很少失败的方法,你不必考虑,而且是可逆的,包括宫内节育器, one type with hormones, one type with copper, and implants that go under the skin in your arm, and that has hormones. 它们的寿命从3年到10年不等,这取决于你选择的是哪种,而且很容易去除. They have a failure rate of about 1%, one in a hundred, or less per five years of use, so that makes a pretty low failure rate.

Methods that are pretty good. 每年5%到10%的失败率包括药片、贴片、环、注射. They all have hormones. They have some good things. They decrease menstrual flow. You can choose when to have your periods. 它们可以降低患卵巢癌和子宫癌的风险, 但你必须做点什么,而有时候女人不做这些事. They don't take their pills. They don't remember to put their patch on. They forget to get their shot. So, 失败率高达每年5%到10%, 如果你想在5年或10年内不要孩子, those little 5% add up.

>Methods that aren't so good but are better than nothing and might protect against sexually transmitted infections include male and female condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps, along with vaginal gels and creams. 失败率大约是10%到30%,这取决于你如何使用它们. If you use them exactly as you should, which is just when you're going to have sex, each time and every time, they work better, 但人就是人,每一次,每一次,有时候,就是有时候.

不使用激素或器械,但利用性行为的时间来避免生育期的方法可以很好地发挥作用. These are called abstinence-based methods. Both people have to agree to follow the rules, 你绝对不能违反规定,否则你会怀孕的. 这意味着在你的排卵期要避免性生活,并且要非常清楚你的排卵期到底是什么时候. So, you have to follow the rules. 如果你完全遵循这些规则,每年的失败率是1%到5%. 如果你像大多数人一样遵守规则,每年的失败率是30%. There's a little joke. 你怎么称呼那些使用禁欲方法的人? You call them parents.

So, 未来五年将会有一些新的避孕方法问世, but they will fall into these groups. Highly effective, reversible, that you don't have to think about, like IUDs and implants, hormonal methods that you have to think about, and barrier methods. Birth control is highly personal. 虽然似乎有些人想要进入你的生意和你的卧室, but you should be informed. 今天大发娱乐讨论了避孕措施对你起作用的可能性, 当你生孩子的时候,你不应该冒险. Stay tuned. 大发娱乐将在后面的Scope中讨论副作用、方法的工作原理和成本.

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