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It may seem like a given—if you run long distances regularly, 那么你最终需要一个膝关节置换术. But from a doctor's perspective, that's actually not true. 急救医生 Dr. 特洛伊马德森, a runner, looks at the research on knee damage and running. He shares his findings and why he thinks running is a great way to stay healthy.


面试官: Running from a doctor's perspective, that's next on 范围.

播音员: This is "From The Front Lines" with emergency room physician, Dr. 特洛伊马德森在范围报道. 关于瞄准镜.

面试官: 当急诊室的医生, 特洛伊马德森, was thinking about running as his main exercise a few years ago, 他担心这会影响他的膝盖. 所以他像任何一个好医生一样做了研究. And Dr. 麦德森,你发现什么了?

Dr. Madsen: Well, 你知道, like you said, my concern in running was, "Okay, great. 我要开始多跑步.“我说我要每天跑步, 每天跑几英里, 从那里开始, 但是10年后, 我需要做一个膝关节置换术. 我是这么想的. 这就是我从小到大听到的. 人们是这么说的. 于是我对自己说, 你知道, “我从事医学工作, 当然 I can look and see what kind of evidence there is for this. Are there any studies that have been done that show that runners have a much higher risk of needing knee replacements?“所以大发娱乐最大的问题是你会跑很多路, 你会磨损膝盖的软骨, 得了骨关节炎, 哪个是骨头对骨头, 然后在这一点上, 太痛了, 你需要换膝盖.

所以这是一件很难研究的事情. 你知道, ideally, 你会找一群人,然后说, “你们每天都要跑步, 你们不是. And then 10 years, we're going to see how your knees are doing.“你不能这么做. 这是不切实际的. So you really just have to rely on people reporting how many knee issues they've had. 看看跑步者,看看不跑步者.

有趣的是, 在我看的时候, there were a few studies that had been done looking at this, 就在这个月, an editorial came out in the British Medical Journal that addressed exactly this question. 所以他们总结了所有的研究. The bottom line is there is no convincing evidence that will tell you that runners have a higher risk of knee osteoarthritis and knee replacements.

他们唯一找到的东西, 他们说, okay, 一项研究表明,在优秀的跑步者中, they had a higher incidence of osteoarthritis where it was this bone on bone. 这是一项在20世纪90年代早期完成的研究. 他们都是优秀的跑步者, 意思是参加过奥运会马拉松比赛的运动员, 他们有更高的患病风险. 我发现研究表明跑步者, 他们出现问题的可能性要低50%, meaning that maybe this running is actually helping the knees potentially helping build this cartilage up. 你知道, 当然, if you're having other injuries like ACL injuries or tearing ligaments, 诸如此类, 这是另一个问题.

But just the whole wear and tear of running or this idea that you're just tearing your knees up, 我找不到任何令人信服的证据, "Yeah, 你的膝盖都要撕裂了, 你的膝盖会撞到骨头的, 10年后, 你需要做一个膝关节置换术."

面试官: So had you found evidence to the contrary, would you be a runner right now?

Dr. Madsen: 这是个好问题. 我不知道.

面试官: I'm trying to figure out if you're putting your money where your mouth is on this deal.

Dr. Madsen: Yeah, 你知道, at the time, and I think for a long time, that was my excuse for not running. I'll tell you the reason I ran is because my wife made me commit to run a marathon because we're moving, 这是交易的一部分, “如果大发娱乐要搬家的话, 你必须跑马拉松." I think she thought I was going to say that there's no way I'm going to run a marathon, 但我决心要这么做, 从那以后我一直在跑步. I think partly knowing that, "Hey, 你知道, this is a great exercise. 这是一项伟大的运动. 这是一项伟大的终身运动. 还有膝盖的问题, 我确信, 你知道, based on the evidence I can find that running isn't going to tear your knees up.“我就是找不到任何能明确说明这一点的东西, "Yeah, you're going to have lots of knee problems because of this."

面试官: What about like somebody's weight or other issues like that? 这些研究是如何考虑到这一点的?

Dr. Madsen: 是的,很难. 同样,这些都不是理想的研究.

面试官: Sure.

Dr. Madsen: 我的意思是,这些都是小型研究. They're combining these studies to create what's called a meta-analysis where you combine data from lots of different studies. 我不知道 that they can really control for those factors for weight and look at a person's weight. Because you're talking about people who've been running for 20 years, can you account for their weight 20 years ago versus now? 有多么不同的效果啊? 我甚至不知道答案.

面试官: 是的,是的. I would imagine, too, something else maybe to keep in mind. So I think this is good that if running is something that you do, that's great, continue to do it. 如果这是你想做的事, there doesn't seem to be a lot of compelling evidence it's going to cause knee issues. 但我想安全起见是明智的选择, 你知道, 确保你的体重是合理的, and maybe even make sure that you're running form is good, that you're not heel striking and doing some of those sorts of things. Because the runners in the study conceivably would be doing those things.

Dr. Madsen: Exactly. 你不想强迫自己参加一项运动. You want to make sure your heart is in good shape, that you're going to be able to handle it. Don't just go off the couch and go put in seven or eight miles. 就像你说的,你必须考虑所有这些因素. 找一项你喜欢的运动. But I think the bottom line from this is if you enjoy running, don't tell yourself you can't run or you can't run more because you're going to have major knee problems down the road. I just can't find anything that suggests that's the case.

面试官: 因为你几年前就开始了, 当你开始跑步的时候, 当你做这个研究的时候, 从那以后你跑了马拉松, 膝盖感觉如何?

Dr. Madsen: 膝盖很好. Don't ask me that question after a marathon, but today the knees feel good. 你知道, after long runs, there's always the aches and pains.

面试官: 是的,但不是膝盖? 通常是肌肉或 . . .

Dr. Madsen: 是的,通常是肌肉发达的,是的. 不是膝盖的问题. 好吧,我收回那句话. 大概在24到25英里的时候,全身都疼.

面试官: Sure.

Dr. Madsen: 我告诉自己,我再也不会这么做了." But, 你知道, you give it a day, you start to feel a little better, and then you're back at it.

面试官: And then for individuals that maybe currently run and they're thinking about wanting to run a little bit more, 也许它们在3到5英里的范围内, 他们害怕超越这个范围. Again, the research shows that probably not going to negatively affect you?

Dr. Madsen: Exactly. 我认为这是最重要的收获. 但同时, keep in mind that if you're happy just doing three to five miles, 继续做下去. 你得到了健康保障. 这是一个完全不同的讨论. But if you're doing three to five miles, three times a week, you're doing great. And if you like it, if you're happy with it, 继续做下去. If you want to increase those miles, maybe do a half marathon or something, feel free to do it.

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