If You Get Winded Easily It Might Be Pulmonary Hypertension

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If You Get Winded Easily It Might Be Pulmonary Hypertension


Do you find yourself short of breath, even from a slow walk with the dog? Do you have to catch your breath at the top of a short staircase? 肺动脉高压 可能是原因. It can limit your quality of life and, untreated, eventually, lead to heart failure. Nathan Hatton, MD, 说, 不像高血压,) it can be difficult to detect and determine the root cause of 肺动脉高压.

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    Dr. 米勒: You've just been diagnosed with 肺动脉高压 and you wonder about the next steps. 大发娱乐接下来将在Scope Radio讨论这个问题.

    嗨,我是 Dr. 汤姆米勒 和我在一起的是 Dr. 内特·哈顿 今天. 内特是肺病专家或肺病医生. Nate, you run a specialty clinic taking care of patients who have 肺动脉高压. Tell me a little bit about the difference between 肺动脉高压 and what we know as hypertension, or 高血压,在人口中.

    肺动脉高压vs. 高血压

    Dr. 哈顿: The real difference between those two deals with where the blood flow is coming from. In systemic hypertension or laymen's hypertension, the blood flow is from the left side of 心脏. And that's, that's when you feel your pulse in your wrist. 那是大发娱乐体内的高压系统.

    Dr. 米勒: And that's the common type of blood pressure that we're mostly aware of as the public might know it.

    Dr. 哈顿: 正确的. 正确的. When you go into your doctor's office and they put the cuff on your arm, 这就是大发娱乐测量的血压.


    Dr. 米勒: 那么什么是肺动脉高压呢?

    Dr. 哈顿: 肺动脉高压 is really blood flow into the lungs, which is much more difficult to measure. The blood flow that goes into the lungs comes from the right side of 心脏, 这是一个非常低的气压系统. And normally it's almost tenfold times lower than what it would be otherwise.

    Dr. 米勒: So you might not know you have 肺动脉高压 just by taking your blood pressure in the usual way by putting a cuff around your arm and having somebody read the blood pressure?

    Dr. 哈顿: 是的,这是真的. 它们完全没有关系. You would have no idea that you could have 肺动脉高压. When we measure it in the doctor's office, it could be totally normal.


    Dr. 米勒: Many people know that 高血压 eventually can lead to heart attacks and strokes. 肺动脉高压也是这样吗? And what actually happens in folks who have 肺动脉高压?

    Dr. 哈顿: So 肺动脉高压 typically presents with shortness of breath and so that's your most common presenting sign or symptom. 它也做类似的事情. 随着时间的推移,这对心脏来说很困难. 所以它不一定会导致中风, but it definitely causes a lot of stress on 心脏 and continues to sort of . . . as it gets worse, ultimately leads to heart failure with time.


    Dr. 米勒: So let's say a patient comes to you who has been diagnosed with 肺动脉高压. In general, what's next for them as they come to see you?

    Dr. 哈顿: 确定.

    Dr. 米勒: 你主要做些什么来大发娱乐他们变好?

    Dr. 哈顿: There are lots of different types of 肺动脉高压. There is 肺动脉高压 that can be caused by other heart problems, like valve disease. There is 肺动脉高压 that can be caused by lung disease or if you have blood clots. 在大发娱乐的诊所里, what we really focus on is trying to decide where the problem is, 不管是肺部的血管, 心脏, 或者你有, 例如, 慢性阻塞性肺病或其他肺部疾病, and really focus on where the problem is to decide what the best therapy would be at that time.

    Dr. 米勒: One of the things I really like about your clinic is you have a cardiologist whom you work with that together you guys really tackle 肺动脉高压 in its various presentations and causes, which seems to be a potential bonus for patients coming to this particular specialty clinic.

    Dr. 哈顿: Dr. 瑞安和我,我是肺科医生. 他是心脏病专家,所以他专注于心脏. 大发娱乐坐下来审查所有病人的数据, 大发娱乐做过的所有测试, and sort of make our best determination of what we think is truly causing the 肺动脉高压 and then focus on therapies.

    Dr. 米勒: So it sounds like with appropriate therapy from dedicated specialists, this is going to be a better pathway for a particular patient with 肺动脉高压 than not coming in.

    Dr. 哈顿: We have a large sort of clinical staff and a team that our goals as clinicians are really to make you feel better. 正确的? And the most common symptom is shortness of breath and fatigue, and just sort of not feeling you can do what you used to be able to do or want to do. And so we have lots of therapies for 肺动脉高压 that can help with those symptoms and hopefully improve your quality of life, 主要目标是什么.

