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如果你正在考虑做整容手术, one thing to keep in mind is whether your procedure will be a full 整容 or the less invasive mini 整容. 两者都能带来很好的结果,但哪一个更适合你? Dr. Eric Cerrati, 犹他健康大学的整形外科医生, 解释差异, 你可以期待什么结果, 迷你拉皮是否适合你.


播音员: 由研究支持的专家大发娱乐提供的健康信息. 这是来自犹他大学健康中心的scoperadio.com.

面试官: 迷你拉皮和普通拉皮有什么区别? Dr. Eric Cerrati是 面部整形手术 犹他健康大学的研究员. 博士和. Cerrati, 我在大发娱乐猜一下, 我认为区别可能是, 就像, 迷你整容只是整容的一个小版本. 我说的对吗?? 大发娱乐还需要走得更远吗?

Dr. Cerrati: Kind of true, but there are some, 你知道, details we should talk about.

面试官: 好吧. 它比我刚才做的要复杂一些.

Dr. Cerrati: 完全.


面试官: 好吧. 那么迷你整容和普通整容有什么区别呢 整容?

Dr. Cerrati: So, 首先, they recently did a study surveying facial plastic surgeons all across the country trying to define that exact question. 和 what they found with it is that there is no consensus about what the difference is except that a mini 整容 has a shorter scar. 至于技术和恢复之类的事情, 每个外科医生都不一样.

面试官: 好吧. So, 真的, 有趣的是,你有很多不同的人, 它们都有不同的定义. So, 对顾客或进来的人来说, it's important that maybe they ask a few additional questions to find out how that particular person defines it.


Dr. Cerrati: 完全. So every surgeon has, 你知道, their own techniques that they do for 整容 surgery. 过去是这样的,在过去,只是 收紧皮肤. 现在大发娱乐知道了, 你知道, 一个更自然的, 更有活力的样子是收紧皮肤下的肌肉. 这一层是, 你知道, 拉紧, 这是切除, 然后, 你知道, 用更悬空的方式缝的, 面部的韧带至少. 你知道, 我个人做深度飞机拉皮, where I release the ligaments of the face and re-suspend it in 一个更自然的 position. So my mini 整容 is essentially the same thing, just with a shorter scar.

面试官: 好吧. 这听起来也可能因外科医生而异.

Dr. Cerrati: 完全.

面试官: 好吧,好吧. 让大发娱乐往回看一下. 一个病人进来了. 他们对整容很感兴趣. 他们来到你的办公室. 他们想要做个小整容. 他们也不确定. 你从哪里开始这个对话?


Dr. Cerrati: So, 真的, 病人将会, 你知道, good candidates for a mini 整容 are ones that don't have a lot of excess skin or neck skin laxity. 和 that's 真的 what the extended incision allows you to do, is to remove that excess skin. 通常是在脖子下面. 所以对于年轻患者来说, 说40岁, 50s, 你知道, usually you can just keep the scar kind of right around the ear and not 真的 extend it back into the hairline, 哪个符合迷你拉皮的条件.

面试官: 问题. 和 what about somebody that maybe had a lot of weight 然后 瘦了很多? It sounds 就像 maybe a mini 整容 would not be the best option because you've got more skin to take care of.

Dr. Cerrati: 是的. 这是因人而异的. 但 usually, those patients have more skin laxity that needs to be addressed.

面试官: 好吧. So, 总结, 我的意思是, 我的总结对吗, a full 整容 is when perhaps you've got more sk在那 needs to be tightened versus the mini 整容 where it's somebody younger, 也许是一个没有长胖的人, 瘦了很多, 没有那么多皮肤可以移动, 他们可以买迷你的?

Dr. Cerrati: 早些时候, 衰老的迹象.


面试官: 好吧. 那么在恢复时间和成本上有什么不同呢? 我认为迷你版的恢复性更低,也更便宜?

Dr. Cerrati: 适合做迷你拉皮的脸, 它稍微便宜一点, and the recovery time is a little bit shorter because it's less of a recovery for the neck portion. 但, 你知道, 我通常告诉我所有的病人这是相似的恢复, 在那, 你知道, 他们有敷了24小时的面膜,然后取下来. 不管是迷你整容还是全整容,我都不用排气管. 同样,不同的医生会有不同的做法. 如果某人真的有轻微的衰老迹象, 你知道, 有资格做迷你整容手术, 然后可以使用稍微不那么激进的技术, 这将大大缩短恢复时间.

面试官: 迷你拉皮也会让你看起来更自然?

Dr. Cerrati: 我发现这项技术实际上影响了结果的自然程度. 我发现深层的飞机拉皮最自然, 你知道, 这可以用一种非常激进的方式来完成,也可以用一种侵入性较小的方式, 为病人量身定做时装. 但 every procedure is customized to the patient and what their needs are.

面试官: 好吧. 当你进来的时候,你和病人进行这样的对话. 这通常需要多长时间?

Dr. Cerrati: Oh, our consults usually last anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes, and we kind of go through everything.


面试官: 是的,明白了. 好吧. 大发娱乐来谈谈手术本身. 一般在哪里表演?

Dr. Cerrati: I do it in the hospital setting, so here at the University of Utah, but the main hospital. 和 I also have an office and an operating room at South Jordan, both university facilities.

面试官: Is there an advantage to being able to have access to a hospital as opposed to maybe just being in a standalone clinic?

Dr. Cerrati: 我认为来大学学习的好处, whether it's out at South Jordan or one of our satellites locations versus the main hospital is that all the physicians within the university, 你知道, 是否获得董事会认证?, 非常有资格, 你真的得到了一流的照顾. 在一些私人办公室, you don't have board-certified anesthesiologists watching throughout the entire case. 所以, 你知道, we 真的 focusing on the details so that every patient gets the best possible care throughout their procedure.


面试官: 问题. 和 when you do a procedure with a patient, how do you and the patient then define success? 所以,当手术完成后,你知道,病人是公平的 . . . 因为我可以想象这是一件可怕的事情. 进去的时候可能会很吓人. 比如,“我能得到我想要的结果吗??“这是,你知道 . . . how do you kind of work with the patient to make sure they get exactly what it is that they hoped for?

Dr. Cerrati: 所以我会说, 全面的, 整容 surgery is probably one of the highest satisfaction rates out of all 面部整形手术 procedures. 但 we mimic what we do by pulling on the skin and trying to give the patient idea what the jawline and what the cheeks would look 就像 afterwards. We show them before and after pictures and try to have as detailed of a conversation as we can.


面试官: 和 then, what about the risks, because that would be something else that perhaps would be a concern? 我想大发娱乐已经谈到了一点. 在大学里, 你会有, 你知道, 如你所说, 麻醉师是来确保一切顺利的. What are some of the other risks that you look out for that you 真的 try to mitigate?

Dr. Cerrati: 所以手术的风险是,有出血和感染. 显然,大发娱乐会尽大发娱乐所能将其最小化. 只要你在皮肤上做一个切口,就有风险 疤痕. Facelift scars, 你知道, we hide them as best we can behind all the little crevices in the ears. 所以这一切都隐藏在阴影中. 和, 你知道, 主要的风险是你离面神经很近, 你知道, 支配面部所有肌肉的神经. 你知道, we are a couple, 你知道, layers above it, but it is within a few millimeters. So careful surgical technique and training 真的 allow you to get the exact result that you're going for.

面试官: 是的. 所以你真的需要一个知道自己在做什么的人.

Dr. Cerrati: 完全.

面试官: That's got the skill and does a lot of the procedures and that sort of thing. So, 希望, this is just probably a small part of the conversation you might have if somebody actually came in for a consultation. 如果有人还有问题,他们会去哪里问?


Dr. Cerrati: 所以我总是欢迎病人, 你知道, 当大发娱乐第一次谈这个的时候, 很明显, 问一切. 我给了他们我的高谈阔论从开始到结束. 如果他们有问题,我会告诉他们, 把它们写下来, 给办公室打电话, 回来吧, 大发娱乐可以再聊一聊. 所以 that way, they're fully informed, fully comfortable with proceeding. 我的意思是, the most important thing is the patient needs to be very comfortable with the surgeon, 你知道, 该设施, 以及他们正在实施的计划.

面试官: You mentioned that the patient should be 真的 comfortable with the surgeon performing the procedure. 和 I know there's a lot of surgeons here that perform mini 整容s and normal 整容s. 给大发娱乐一些一般性的建议,告诉大发娱乐你怎样才能弄明白, 你知道, 谁最适合你,因为, 你知道, 可能是你, 可能是你某个才华横溢的同事.

Dr. Cerrati: 完全. 这所大学里有几个外科医生, 都很有才华, 来自于略有不同的训练, 但是大发娱乐提供非常好的工作. 和 that's why it's very important for the patient to have an in-person consultation. In that way, they feel comfortable with the surgeon that they're choosing.

面试官: 不管是你还是你的其他同事, 你们有什么共同之处吗?

Dr. Cerrati: 作为大学的一部分, 在大发娱乐大发娱乐与所有的尖端技术保持同步, 大发娱乐提供最先进的面部整形手术程序. 一次又一次, 大发娱乐的训练背景都略有不同, 哪一个, 你知道, plays to the advantage of the different care that we can offer here at the university.

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