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Many things in the world can cause anxiety and often they're beyond your control. 然而,你不应该忽视或忽视你的感觉. 精神病学家玛丽亚·雷耶斯 tells us the three steps she recommends her patients use to manage anxiety the right way.


面试官: 如何应对焦虑,大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中讨论.

播音员: 健康信息来自预期,由研究支持. 来自犹他大学健康中心,大发娱乐是scoperadio.com.

面试官: You know there are a lot of things that can happen in this world that can cause fear and anxiety and most of the time they're not really under our control but what do you do about them? 你是如何应对的? Maria Reyes is a psychiatrist with University of Utah Health Care and she's going to give us some tips right now on how to deal with anxiety-causing events in your life that you don't have control over.

玛丽亚: 关于你所说的焦虑, 作为一名精神病医生, 我是这样想的, every emotion in general I think the first step in being an emotionally healthy person is acknowledging your feelings and not judging them. So feelings and thoughts are just those - feelings and thoughts - but the first thing you need to do is acknowledge those and put a name on them. Don't ignore them is the bottom line because they will ultimately come to fruition in ways that may not be so pleasant sooner or later.

面试官: 所以最好还是勇敢面对,离开吧, "I'm feeling a little stressed or sad or whatever about this situation."

玛丽亚: 绝对.

面试官: 然后说:“好吧. 我感觉到了."

玛丽亚: 正确的. 那意味着你还活着,意味着你是个人.

面试官: 这是一件好事.

玛丽亚: 是的. 加入这个俱乐部.

面试官: 所以承认是第一步. Within that what else would you want to do as part of acknowledging it?

玛丽亚: I think what distinguishes humans from primates is the ability in general to articulate our thoughts and feelings and I feel that people that tend to talk about their feelings tend to be more emotionally healthy and so I would encourage people when they do experience anxiety to talk to someone you know and trust. It doesn't have to be myself or a health care professional necessarily, 只是和朋友在一起, family and just using them as a sounding board for kind of what you're thinking and feeling.

面试官: Find that person that listens to you or that you have a good rapport, some trust with I'd imagine.

玛丽亚: 绝对.

面试官: 会是很重要的一部分吗. 所以承认它,体验那种情绪,谈论它. That's kind of the big first step when you're faced with some source of anxiety. 之后你会做什么?

玛丽亚: After that, I encourage people to step back from their problems. Now I want to make the distinction between stepping back and avoidance. 我不鼓励回避. 从长远来看,这实际上会让焦虑变得更糟. 然而, creating some healthy distance when you feel overwhelmed emotionally is a good thing and it can be helpful in the long run. 我指的是从事爱好之类的事情, 锻炼, sometimes disengaging from social media if that's something that is anxiety provoking.

面试官: 特别是如果这是一个世界性的事件.

玛丽亚: 完全.

面试官: You keep diving into more news stories about it or go to social media or go to the comments section.

玛丽亚: 完全.

面试官: 所以远离这些是健康的.

玛丽亚: 正确的, or going on a news social media cleanse of sorts or just kind of being cognizant of the time you spend in those realms. So part of stepping back, the outcome of that is hopefully just a reframing of the situation. So stepping back could kind of give you the emotional distance to kind of look at a problem from a different perspective, 看到乌云背后的一线希望.

面试官: 这是值得寻找的?

玛丽亚: 是的.

面试官: 这是一件健康的事情.

玛丽亚: 是的. Our ancestors had it right when they came up with that adage.

面试官: So try to find something in the situation that maybe makes it not seem quite so bad or what good could come out of this or . . .

玛丽亚: 绝对. So just finding what lessons are there to be learned or how could I have done things differently are good ways to think about problems.

面试官: So step back and then is there something else you could do to help maybe make it not seem so big and scary?

玛丽亚: 绝对. 再一次。, I don't want us to get the message that I'm advocating for burying your head in the stand or avoiding your problems. 当然, the step after stepping back would be to re-approach the problem or the precipitator of that anxiety but hopefully now it would be with a clear head. 然后是结果, 我希望, is some sort of sense of control over a situation that you may have limited control in. 然而 I think there's always some part of that problem that seems beyond your control that you have a little bit of control over and I encourage people to know the difference between what you can control and what you can't.

面试官: And try to find that little piece maybe that you can do to make yourself feel better about it all.

玛丽亚: 完全.

面试官: So how do you know when it's time for an in-person session with a professional?

玛丽亚: I think anytime you have feelings and emotions that interfere with your ability to fulfill your role as a mother, 配偶, a friend or if it's interfering with your ability to work or go to school or function in general. Also I have to throw in there any time you feel that life is not worth living anymore, these should certainly prompt your attention to seeking immediate help.

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