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What to Do If Your Child is Choking

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What to Do If Your Child is Choking

Feb 18, 2014

为了避免任何意外的发生,你已经在房子里安装了儿童安全装置——但是许多父母忽略了食物中令人窒息的危险. Dr. 辛迪·盖尔纳解释了为什么某些食物会导致幼儿窒息, 她提到的几种食物可能会让你大吃一惊. 她还描述了孩子窒息的症状,以及如果孩子窒息了你能做些什么.

Episode Transcript

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Dr. Cindy Gellner: 所以有些食物你可能觉得可以让孩子尝一尝. It's not going to hurt them, just a little taste. Well guess what, it could hurt them. I'm Dr. Cindy Gellner,今天大发娱乐来谈谈窒息的危险.

Announcer: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过上更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Dr. Cindy Gellner: 所以很多父母在考虑孩子的食物时, 尤其是大一点的婴幼儿和学龄前儿童, 他们并没有考虑到窒息的危险, “哦,让大发娱乐的孩子尝试这种新食物或这种新食物来尝试扩大他们的视野."
但你要记住,某些食物是出了名的有窒息危险. Hot dogs, grapes, raisins, foods that you think would be really, really good to give a child, a tiny piece of apple, can cause a child to choke.

当你给孩子吃这种食物时,你得看着他们. If you turn your back, 他们可能会在短短1到2分钟内窒息而死,然后无法呼吸, they can't cry, they can't let you know what is going on.

So what are some symptoms of choking? 第一件事是,他们不会呼吸,不会哭,不会说话. 它们可能会从喉咙里发出一个小小的哨子. 他们会满脸恐惧地看着你.

Older kids, if they actually get something stuck, 希望他们知道把手放在脖子上, and that's when you need to stop, think, "Okay, let's get into first aid mode. What do I need to do?"

How to Perform Abdominal Thrusts (Children over 1)

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The most important thing is how old is your child? 因为这决定了你要如何把异物从喉咙里取出来. 如果你的孩子停止呼吸1岁以上的孩子, 你要给我一个叫腹突的东西.

你要从后面抓住孩子,把你的拇指放在肋骨下面, but above the belly button. Kind of give them a bear hug. 你要用一只手握拳,另一只手放在上面,然后突然向上一拉. 以45度角做,试着把胸部的空气都挤出来, that's what you're trying to do.

If the child is too heavy for you to do that, they're larger, 你要把它们放在地板上,让孩子仰面躺着. Put your hands on both sides of the belly, just below the ribs, and again, 所以突然爆发的向上的压力,希望它能出来.

如果你的孩子没有呼吸,你不知道你是否能这样做, 你要做的第一件事就是找到大发娱乐,让他们打911. If you are by yourself, 拨打911,在你窒息的时候让他们在你旁边开着扬声器, 海姆利克氏操作法,因为由于某些原因你无法取出它, 你就需要急救人员来大发娱乐你的孩子建立呼吸道.

If your child chokes on a liquid, turns blue, passes out, you might not be able to get that out, you're going to need EMS's help.


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如果你的孩子不到一岁,你要做一个改良的海姆利克急救法. 你要把孩子放在你的前臂上, face down, with the head in the hand, 你要把孩子放下,这样你的手腕放在膝盖上,你的肘部在你的胸部,你要用你的手在肩胛骨之间打五下, in a fast manner, and then if your child doesn't start breathing, turn the baby over and do the chest thrusts, and then flip the baby over and alternate. 背部用力,胸部用力,直到孩子重新开始呼吸.

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What If They Stop Breathing? (Children of All Ages)

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If your child does pass out, start doing CPR. Mouth to mouth breathing. Even if there is a little bit of air waiting, 你至少可以让一点空气进入肺部. 如果做口对口呼吸不动胸部, 重新开始试着通过腹部推力和胸部按压把异物取出来.

One thing I tell parents is take a first aid course. 你可以听到我告诉你如何做海姆利克急救以及如何照顾一个窒息的孩子, but with you actually take a first aid course, 如果发生类似的事情,你会得到自信的训练, 你知道该怎么做,你可以直接进入急救模式.

今天要传达的最重要的信息是儿童保护. 如果你和你的孩子在一起吃饭, 如果你能确保哥哥姐姐们捡起小玩具, 如果你确保你所有的东西都是整洁的,并且放好了,那么如果你碰巧转过身来, 你的孩子不会抓起它放进嘴里, 因为小孩子会把很多奇怪的东西放进嘴里, then you know that your child is going to be safe.

Again, it's always a good idea to have first aid training, 但你能做的最好的事情就是首先防止孩子窒息.

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Announcer: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台的Scope.