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You may think alcohol is the furthest thing from your child’s mind. 但机会是, either your teenager or her friends will have had a drink or two by the time they finish high school. Studies show more than half of American high school seniors 每周至少喝一次. Dr. Cindy Gellner addresses why teenage drinking is such a huge problem and offers advice on how to prevent or stop your teen from drinking alcohol.


Dr. 假面: 未成年人饮酒, 你可能不认为你的孩子是, 但机会是, 不是你的孩子就是他们的朋友, 高中毕业时喝过酒吗. 这就是下一期《大发娱乐提供》.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah Physician and Specialists you can use, 为了更快乐更健康的生活. 您正在收听的是范围.

Dr. 假面: 所以青少年饮酒真的是个问题吗? 数以百万计的美国青少年喝酒. 研究表明,超过一半的高中毕业生, 每周至少喝一次, 酒精是青少年最常用的毒品. So why is this a special concern for kids in this age group? 好吧, 酒精会导致其他药物的使用, alcohol-related traffic crashes are a major cause of death among teens, 酒精会增加溺水死亡的风险, 自杀, 杀人, and teens who drink alcohol are more likely to have sex at earlier ages, 更频繁地做爱, 进行无保护的性行为, 比不喝酒的青少年要好. Young people who drink are also more likely to be victims of violent crime, 包括攻击, 和强奸, you've heard about date rape too; most of the time alcohol is involved with that. 未成年就开始饮酒的青少年, are much more likely to become dependent on alcohol as adults.
This isn't just something that pediatricians are going to tell you to try and get your kids to not drink alcoholic, 这些都是经过研究的事实. 那么,孩子们为什么要喝酒呢? Some grow up seeing their parents or other adults drinking, 有些人的父母酗酒, having a parent who is an alcoholic is going to make it a higher risk for the child to be an alcoholic. 他们在电影和电视上看到喝酒, 而且真的很性感很酷, so they want to do it to because they want to be popular and part of the in-crown. Pressure from friends and classmates who drink, to have your child drink, is also a big concern. It also will help teens reduce anxiety and make them feel more confident, 不幸的是,它有时甚至更愚蠢. So what are the signs that you want to look for if you think your teenager might be drinking?
具有讽刺意味的是, they are very similar to the kind of symptoms you are going to look for if your child is doing drugs. You want to see are the avoiding your family and friends? 他们不去上学吗? Cutting classes, are their grades all of a sudden dropping into the toilet? Have they started losing interest in things that they used to enjoy doing? 他们是不是和一群新老朋友混在一起, 能给他们买酒喝的人? 他们有宿醉症状吗, 经常感到疲劳, 非常暴躁, 困惑, 不记得他们在哪里,做过什么? And getting into fights, or arguing constantly with their parents? And let me stress that this is something you want to see, 他们比正常的青少年做得更多吗? 因为是的, those are normal things that normal teenagers are going to do as well, 但如果这看起来太过分了, 这是一个很大的危险信号.
So you might think that with those symptoms that your child is drinking alcohol, 但你怎么能确定? 你可以问孩子的第一件事是. Chances are if their drinking and they're drinking and they don't want to get caught, they are going to be overly adamant that they are not drinking. As opposed to, "no, why would you think that"; you get, "no, no, not me, why would I do that"? 另一件事是检查房间里有没有藏酒, 检查他们的行李, 如果你知道他们的朋友是谁, 和他们的朋友谈谈. 如果你知道你孩子朋友的父母是谁, 也和他们谈谈, and ask if they've notice anything with your child or their own children. Just things like that to sort of do a little detective work, to see if you can figure out anything that might provide evidence that your child may be seeking some alcohol behind your back. 如果你认为你的孩子在喝酒怎么办? it may be hard for you to admit that your teen has an alcohol problem. 你可以和很多人聊天, 实际上是匿名戒酒会, 大发娱乐那些想戒酒的青少年, so you can investigate that and get your child help with people that they can trust. There's a lot of places that have counselors that can help you. 学校是一个很好的开始. School counselors I'm sure, deal with this issue on the high school level, so you can talk to them. 向儿科医生寻求大发娱乐. There's been plenty of times where I've been asked, hey can you talk to my child about alcohol? 前几天我撞见他喝啤酒, or I caught my daughter taking some shots the other day, 从酒柜里拿出来,我想让她知道, 在你成年之前,这并不酷, 你能和她谈谈吗? 大发娱乐很乐意和他们讨论这个.
This is part of anticipatory guidance that we talk about at visits. How can you help your teen to get to where they don't want to drink alcohol in the first place until they're of age? 这很难做到, 尤其是当他们上大学的时候, 但是如果你和你的孩子关系很好, 他们喝酒的可能性会小得多. 让他们很容易和你诚实地交谈, 所以如果他们在喝酒, 你们可以开诚布公地讨论这个问题. 也和他们谈谈不喝酒的理由. 首先,这是非法的! Second off, you know, think about all the bad things that can happen, while you're drinking. 再次强调,密切关注你的孩子在做什么. Encourage your child to avoid situations where people are likely to use drugs or alcohol, 和他们谈谈, "so what would you do if you were in a situation and someone pulled out a beer or joint or something, 你会怎么做?”?
Make sure your teenager has a way to get home from a party, and knows he can call home at any time. 如果有酒精,他会不舒服的, 确保他们可以打电话说, “你能来接我吗?, 有一群人在大发娱乐喝酒。”! Or, 如果他或她喝了酒, 让他们知道, 我可以打电话让你搭车回家, 你可以稍后再回去取车, 你不希望他们酒后驾车. And remind them to never ride with someone who's been drinking or has drugs. 在自己饮酒方面树立一个好榜样. 如果你在家里喝酒, 确保你的孩子知道, 这是成年人的活动, 不是儿童活动, 确保你的饮酒是负责任的. Don't drink to your sloppy drunk and then your kids are wondering, 爸爸妈妈为什么会这样? 这不是合理饮酒的表现. 另一个值得关注的网站是parentsempower.org. You've probably heard about that on the television or the radio, but they do have a lot of really good resources for hearing you talk, when you have some issues with the child who's been using substances. 所以底线是, 孩子们可能喝酒,也可能不喝酒, if you get them the good foundation on what your family values are, 你们家的规矩是什么, 后果是什么?, 如果他们用了不该用的东西, you're going to have a much better relationship with your teenager, 就在大发娱乐, 与孩子保持良好的关系, 防止未成年人饮酒的最好方法是什么.

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