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It’s Not Strep Throat: Treating Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

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It’s Not Strep Throat: Treating Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

Nov 02, 2018

Hand, foot, 口腔疾病是一种病毒,它会导致手足出疹和口腔溃疡,有时会被误认为是链球菌性咽喉炎. Pediatrician Dr. Cindy Gellner 告诉你如何区分病毒与链球菌性咽喉炎和其他类似疾病. 她还大发娱乐提供了治疗病毒的技巧,以及如何大发娱乐你的孩子在症状期间保持舒适.

Dr. Gellner: 所以你的孩子发烧了,喉咙痛了,手脚上长了斑点. That's what we'll talk about today. I'm Dr. Cindy Gellner for the Scope.

Announcer: Keep your kids healthy and happy. You are now entering the Healthy Kid Zone with Dr. Cindy Gellner on The Scope.

Dr. Gellner: Your child has a fever, they don't want to eat or drink, they say their throat hurts, you're thinking strep. Well, maybe not. 看看他们的手和脚,因为大发娱乐看到一种叫做柯萨奇病毒的病毒很流行,它会导致手病, foot, mouth disease. 通常只有6个月到5岁的孩子才会得这种病,但现在大发娱乐看到大一点的孩子甚至成年人也会得这种病.

Coxsackie virus lives in mucus and saliva... 孩子咳嗽或打喷嚏,但不洗手,还是要洗手. 它也可以通过接触皮肤水泡传播如果手和脚的皮疹开始起水泡这确实会发生它也可以通过肠道运动传播. 另一个去洗手间后洗手的好理由.

所以孩子们最有可能在出现症状的第一周将病毒传播给其他人,但病毒可以在症状消失后继续传播数天甚至数周. 所以你的孩子可能接触过手足口病而你却不知道因为他们接触过的孩子已经摆脱了他们的症状.

所以症状通常在孩子接触病毒一周后开始,然后再次出现, it has the fever, the sore throat, stomach pain, headaches, 所有你想到的与链球菌有关的事情人们经常会说, “我看了看他们的喉咙后面,后面有这些水泡,真的很红,我知道这是链球菌." Not necessarily. 没有拭子检测链球菌就不能诊断链球菌.

So, if you see the red spots at the back of the mouth, look also for any red spots, they'll look like little raised purplish red bumps, usually on the fingertips and on the palms, on the bottoms of the feet, 你可以看到它们长在脚背上,有时也长在脚背上,但更可能的是长在手掌和脚底上. 大发娱乐也可以在腿上,臀部和嘴巴周围看到.

So what about the fever? Well, 发烧实际上需要五天的时间才会消失,但是嘴巴会起水泡, the skin blisters, the little bumps there, 他们可以持续十天甚至两周,每个人都说, "Well, 你就不能做个血液测试确定这就是他们感染的病毒吗?“大多数儿科医生看一眼你的孩子就走了, "Yep, they've got hand, foot, and mouth disease." Unfortunately there is no specific treatment for it though. Antibiotics don't help, it's a virus.

So, what can you do to make your child feel better? The biggest things are pain and fever control and hydration. 你要确保你的孩子用泰诺(Tylenol)或布林(Motrin)控制疼痛. 年龄稍大一点的孩子可以, you can get some magic mouthwash prescription. It's got some Benadryl, 如果你的孩子足够大,有足够的责任心,不会吞下它, 你可以把粘稠的利多卡因放在里面,你的孩子可以漱口,然后把它吐出来,这有时会有大发娱乐,但大多数时候只是泰诺, Motrin.

Cold things, popsicles, Gogurts, apple sauce, ice cream, this is one time where we say, "Go ahead and have some ice cream,“因为你知道你的孩子至少会在那里得到一些东西. 这些都是缓解疼痛的好方法. 有口腔溃疡的孩子会非常不愿意吃或喝太多,因为它很疼, 所以他们脱水的风险很高这就是你需要确保冰棒的地方, things like that, 一开始就富含水分的食物会大发娱乐他们在口腔溃疡的过程中保持水分.

Again the mouth sores can linger for awhile. 他们通常在出现后的头几天最痛苦,然后他们会好转一点,但他们可能会持续存在,所以你一定要确保你的孩子保持水分.

所以下次你的孩子醒来时,如果你认为他们得了链球菌,看看他们的手和脚. It's always good to come on in. 大发娱乐每次看到发烧症状都会做链球菌测试, sore throat, red back of the throat, tummy ache, headache, things like that. 通常如果链球菌测试是阴性的,大发娱乐有那些其他的发现, you're pretty assured it's a virus.

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updated: November 2, 2018
originally published: August 30, 2014

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