
Getting Evaluated for a 心脏移植手术

A 心脏移植手术 is a life-saving option for some people with 晚期心力衰竭. 犹他健康大学大发娱乐提供了一个全面的评估,以决定一个人是否适合心脏移植或从其他类型的治疗中获益更多. 评估包括广泛的测试、程序和与专家的多次预约.

大发娱乐的心脏移植评估可在门诊基础上,并为因病住院的患者大发娱乐提供. 大发娱乐的心脏移植团队将仔细规划您的评估时间表,以便您进行所需的所有检查和预约. 他们会提前收集你的医疗记录,包括之前的检查结果. 

This evaluation may take a week or more. If you do not live near Salt Lake City, you may want to consider staying nearby while you participate in the evaluation. 大发娱乐大发娱乐提供 校外住房 at reasonable rates, and our team can recommend other options as well. 

For the first six to eight weeks after your transplant, you must have a family member or friend with you around the clock. 大发娱乐要求这个人——你的护理人员——参加你移植前的所有预约, including the evaluation appointments. This will help the caregiver know what to expect.


大发娱乐很乐意回答您的问题或大发娱乐您了解更多有关推荐流程的信息. 要预约在U of U Health进行心脏移植评估,请致电 801-585-5122 or 800-824-2073. Before scheduling your appointment, 大发娱乐将检查您的保险范围,以确保评估的费用包括在内.



电话: 801-585-5122
免费: 1-800-824-2073分机. 53693
传真: 801-213-3956
电子邮件: HFreferrals@hsc.犹他州.edu

心脏移植评价: Tests & 程序

移植前的检查和程序将给你一个整体健康状况的图片,并大发娱乐确定是否有 心脏移植手术 是适合你的.


  • 血液测试,这些可以检查你的血型, 其他器官(肝脏)的功能, 肾脏), 电解液浓度, 血糖水平, 特定病毒的存在, 还有其他问题.
  • 导管插入术-This procedure involves inserting a thin, 将柔性管插入颈部或腹股沟并将染料注入心脏动脉. 它可以:
    • find blood vessels that are narrowed or blocked that could lead to chest pain. (这叫做血管造影.)
    • measure the pressure and oxygen levels in different parts of your 心. (This is called a hemodynamic assessment.)
    • check how the right and left sides of the 心 pump. (这叫做脑室图.)
    • take a sample of tissue from your 心. (这叫做活组织检查.)
    • pinpoint 心 defects present from birth (先天性心脏缺陷).
    • look for problems with your 心 valves.
  • 超声心动图这个测试使用声波来创造你的心脏跳动和泵血的实时图像.
  • 应力超声心动图-This test helps us assess your 心 function while you exercise.
  • v02测试-This test will measure your body's ability to use oxygen during exercise.
  • 胸部x光片- - -这个测试很简单, non-invasive way of evaluating the lungs, 心, 和胸腔疾病, 比如癌症和感染.
  • 肺功能检查A pulmonary function test measures the amount of air you breathe in and out.
  • 腹部超声和 颈动脉超声These tests assess blood flow through your vascular system and organs.
  • 踝臂指数(ABI)试验The ABI tests how well your blood is flowing through your arms and legs.

This evaluation may include other tests, depending on your situation.

Find a 心脏移植手术 Physician



  • 移植心脏专家,
  • 移植外科医生,
  • 注册护士,
  • 药剂师、
  • 营养师,
  • 社会工作者.

You will learn what it’s like to be on the transplant list, the physical risks associated with having a 心脏移植手术, financial considerations, 还有其他问题. This is an excellent time to ask any questions you have about the process.

You will be assigned a transplant coordinator, 一名护士将在24小时内支持和大发娱乐你处理任何与移植有关的问题.

大发娱乐可能会安排您与在医疗中心其他领域工作的专家会面. For example, if you have diabetes, you may meet with an endocrinologist. If you have lung issues, you may see a pulmonologist. 这些专家可以大发娱乐提供信息,大发娱乐团队决定心脏移植是否适合你.

情感 & 金融方面的考虑

评估期间, 大发娱乐的社工会和你谈谈心脏移植手术带来的情感和心理上的挑战. 大发娱乐的目标是确保如果您被列入等候名单,您将从其他人那里获得所需的支持.

如果你在等待名单上,大发娱乐的财务协调员也会要求你的健康保险大发娱乐提供者批准你的心脏移植手术. 保险公司需要审查你的记录,确认你符合移植的标准.


当您完成了所有要求的测试和临床预约,大发娱乐收到了结果, our transplant team will present your case at our selection meeting. 在这次会议上, the team will review your results, 讨论你的独特案例, and determine the most appropriate treatment pathway for you.

After the team reaches a decision, 您将会见一位移植心脏病专家和一位移植协调员,讨论下一步的步骤.



People are placed on the 心脏移植手术 waiting list if:

  • the selection committee agrees that a transplant is the best course of action,
  • 患者的保险公司和医院财务部门大发娱乐提供了授权,
  • 护理小组已经考虑或尝试了所有其他可能的医疗方法,
  • the patient has completed the required testing for the evaluation, and
  • the patient has met with all members of the team.

If you are accepted as a transplant candidate, your name will be placed on the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) 等候名单. 该网络根据与联邦政府签订的合同管理全国的器官移植系统.


  • help match organs (from donors) with those who need them (recipients).
  • collect, manage, and report data about results (outcomes). More information about outcomes can be found at the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients.
  • increase awareness about organ donation.

移植团队将根据具体的医疗标准,估计你需要移植的紧急程度,为你分配紧急状态. 您的紧急状态可能会根据您的整体健康状况或您正在接受的治疗的变化而上升或下降.


一旦你在等候名单上, 您的医疗团队将继续监测您的病情,并根据需要调整您的治疗计划. 

每个星期, 大发娱乐的心脏移植团队开会讨论等待名单上的病人,以及如何最好地照顾他们的需求. 大发娱乐会确保病人在等待捐赠心脏的过程中尽可能保持健康.

重要的是你的移植中心有最新的信息和测试结果. 等待名单上的患者需要经常与移植团队进行后续预约. You may continue seeing your local cardiologist during this time. However, you may need to return to U of U Health for certain tests. You also may transition all of your care to U of U Health in Salt Lake City. 

U of U Health cardiologists also offer appointments at outreach clinics in:

  • 比林斯,蒙大拿;
  • Boise, Idaho; and
  • 科罗拉多大枢纽.


If your 心 function continues to decline while you wait for a donor 心, 大发娱乐的护理团队可能会推荐一个 mechanical circulatory support (MCS) device. 这些装置通过接管一个或两个心室的泵送功能来大发娱乐提供短期或长期的心脏支持. This can buy time for people who are waiting for a transplant.

Traveling From Outside Salt Lake City?



It is difficult to predict how long you will have to wait for a donor 心. The wait will depend on many deciding factors such as:

  • 你的血型,
  • 你病情的严重程度
  • 你的体型,还有
  • 可用的捐助者数量.

If you have questions regarding your waiting time once you are listed, please talk to your transplant coordinator.

在你等待移植的过程中,你需要随时保持电话联系. 如果你在家(而不是住院),当有心脏供你使用时, a nurse coordinator will notify you right away. 你需要到达 大发娱乐 for the surgery within hours of receiving the call.

在你离开家之前,移植协调员会给你一些指示,告诉你此时应该服用(或不服用)什么药物. Be sure a family member or friend drives you to the hospital for your surgery.

How to Schedule a 心脏移植评价

要预约在U of U Health进行心脏移植评估,请致电 801-585-5122 or 800-824-2073. Before scheduling your appointment, 大发娱乐将检查您的保险范围,以确保评估的费用包括在内.



电话: 801-585-5122
免费: 1-800-824-2073分机. 53693
电子邮件: 心脏移植小组



有兴趣了解更多? 请致电801-585-5122或
