
Medtronic is no longer making the HeartWare™ 使用 due to some health concerns. 具体信息请阅读附件. 患者信息RE HeartWare 使用


Left ventricular assist device (使用) surgery is a procedure to place a durable mechanical heart pump into a poorly functioning heart. 使用 help your heart’s lower left chamber (ventricle) pump blood if you have advanced (end-stage) 心脏衰竭.


左心室辅助器置入术是一项重要的心内直视手术. You will need to prepare to spend several weeks in and near the hospital. 你可能需要安排人来取你的邮件, 照顾宠物, 或者管理其他家庭需要,如果你还没有.

Our team will spend time with you before surgery to help you understand what life is like with an 使用. 这个装置需要电, so you will have a cord outside your body that needs to be plugged into a battery pack. This may change how you perform some of your day-to-day activities, such as showering.

包括一名护理协调员在内的完整团队, 社会工作者, and psychologist will work with you before surgery to ensure you are prepared.


You will receive intravenous (IV) anesthesia so you remain asleep and pain-free during the procedure. 你将被连接上呼吸机来大发娱乐你呼吸. 你也可能需要连接心肺旁路机, which temporarily does the work of your heart and lungs until surgery is complete.

植入使用设备, surgeons will need access your chest cavity either through the breast bone or through the side of your ribs.

The 使用 machine includes a metal cylinder placed in your left ventricle. That cylinder connects to a flexible tube that sends blood to your aorta, 把血液输送到身体的大动脉. Your surgeon will place a cord beneath your skin that connects the device to a battery pack and control unit outside your body.


使用手术的时间长短差别很大,通常需要几个小时. 每个病人都不一样. 手术时间长短取决于以下几个因素:

  • 你的心脏功能
  • 你的整体健康状况
  • 是否做过心脏手术


左室辅助手术风险 & 并发症


  • 出血
  • 血凝块
  • 感染
  • 使用设备有问题
  • 右侧心力衰竭

在理想的情况下, your surgeon will bring your breastbone together and close the incision (cut) immediately after placing the 使用 device. But sometimes they will need to take other measures to manage your risks:

  • Your surgeon may place a temporary machine in your right ventricle to assist your heart function over several days or weeks.
  • Your surgeon may leave the breastbone open with surgical packing and gauze for a short period of time to lower your risk of blood clots around your heart.
  • Your surgeon may perform other procedures to improve your heart function, such as repairing a 漏心瓣膜.


You’ll stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) for around five to seven days after 使用 surgery. 在你离开重症监护室之后, you’ll stay in the hospital for an additional week or two depending on your medical needs.

You’ll be able to move around and walk before you return home and you will start 心脏康复 趁你还在医院的时候.

You’ll return to see your surgeon about once a week for three to four weeks after you leave the hospital. You will have follow-up phone calls with your care team for the first two to three weeks after surgery.

Then you’ll see your surgeon once every two weeks until you are stable. You’ll continue outpatient 心脏康复 for several weeks or months.


使用 surgery can significantly increase your chances of survival if you have advanced 心脏衰竭. When looking at all patients that receive an 使用, two-year survival rates are around 70%. 当晚期心力衰竭只用药物治疗时, 两年存活率约为10%.


许多保险计划包括低自费的左心室辅助器手术. 大发娱乐的团队会在手术前与您讨论使用的费用.


Medicare covers 使用 surgery for patients who meet certain criteria related to their 心脏衰竭. Our team will help you find out whether Medicare will cover your procedure before moving forward with surgery.


VAD团队会在手术后继续密切监视你. 如果你住的地方离盐湖城不近, we will help you transition back to the care of your local primary care provider and cardiologist. 大发娱乐的团队将为您的社区大发娱乐提供vad特定的教育.

只要你和VAD一起生活, we will continue to follow your care and be available 24/7 for any concerns and questions you have.


U of U Health has a long legacy of excellence in 心脏衰竭 care and continues to be involved in groundbreaking innovations. 使用 therapy is one of the advanced treatments we offer through our renowned 高级心力衰竭项目. 你的照顾在我的手中 心脏病专家, 心胸外科医生, and researchers who pioneer leading-edge therapies and advance 心脏衰竭 care to benefit patients worldwide. Doctors nationally and internationally recognize us for our expertise in 心泵 以及心力衰竭护理.

每年, people travel from throughout the Mountain West region and beyond to receive comprehensive care with our team. Our experts educate other physicians in 使用 care and have created an extensive shared care system where we partner with 心脏病专家 in more than 20 states.


把病人转到大发娱乐的 心力衰竭项目 拨打801-585-5122或填写一份 在线咨询.


Two patients, Jarvis Russell and Violette Gubler, share their experiences living with an 使用.

After Six Years of Living with Mechanical Heart Pump, 病人 Receives the Ultimate Gift

斯蒂芬·洛夫在2016年遭受了严重的心脏病发作. The incident left him severely injured with poor odds for survival and an uncertain future. His cardiac team determined he would benefit from the implantation of a left ventricular assist device (使用) until he could get a heart transplant. Without the 使用, Love's health would rapidly decline, leading to an early death.


达沃Drakos, MD, 犹他大学的心脏病专家, helps heal Anne Binger’s failing heart through use of an 使用 and medication.



Headed for 心脏衰竭 after delivering her baby, Brenna was able to recover with an 使用.
