


治疗烧伤是一个困难而漫长的过程. 大发娱乐的住院护理部门大发娱乐提供包括医生在内的团队方法, 护士, 辅导员, and other caregivers committed to providing the best outcomes for our patients.

病人和他们的家属参观 烧伤中心 have access to the latest treatments as well as a caring supportive staff that put the patient’s and their family’s needs first. We understand the impact that a traumatic burn injury can have and provide the resources and emotional support necessary to help our patients and their families start the road to recovery.


大发娱乐治疗烧伤病人在 大发娱乐.



如果你被转诊到烧伤治疗住院病房, it's because you meet the American Burn Association's referral criteria and need specialized burn care only a verified burn center can provide. 的 University of Utah Health 烧伤中心 covers Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Nevada.

如果有紧急情况, 或者你想和烧伤专家谈谈你的伤势, 打电话给801-581-2700.

University of Utah Health's 烧伤中心 provides the most comprehensive care for burn patients in the Mountain West. 烧伤患者不仅遭受严重的身体伤害, 但在情感和精神上,他们也在努力恢复.



在紧急情况下, 护理最重要的方面不是烧伤, 但是病人的呼吸道, 呼吸, 和流通. 脸上有烧伤的病人, 脖子, 或喉咙, 还有吸入性损伤, 可能需要一个呼吸管. 的 呼吸 tube is placed into the patient’s nose or mouth and down the throat to the lungs.

的 tube is attached to a machine, called a ventilator, and assists with 呼吸. 病人 who do not require ventilator support may often need oxygen from a face mask or plastic nasal prongs that fit into the nostrils. 脉搏血氧计被固定在病人的手指上, 脚趾, 或耳, 持续监测病人血液中的氧含量.


在病人的呼吸得到控制之后, 一个小, 灵活的, 塑料管插在病人的静脉里. 这被称为静脉导管. An IV delivers fluids and medicine into the patient’s body via the blood system. 许多烧伤患者有不止一条静脉注射线.

Although burn patients may not appear dehydrated, they can go into shock if IV fluid is not given. Sometimes patients have tubes placed in an artery in their wrist or groin to transmit the patient’s blood pressure to a monitor. 也可以从这些线条中抽取血液样本进行实验室检测.


的 patient will be attached to a heart (EKG or cardiac) monitor by leads (plastic cove红色的 wires that snap onto pads placed on the chest) so staff can observe the patient’s heart pattern at all times. Alarms on these machines are very sensitive and often go off due to movement of the patient rather than changes in the heart. 的 nurse will respond promptly to such alarms and monitors can be watched at the 护士’ station.


A Foley catheter (a plastic tube) is placed in the urinary tract to the bladder. This allows hourly monitoring of urine output so IV fluids can be adjusted appropriately.

在烧伤发生后的24-48小时内, the patient often goes into burn shock and will require a large amount of IV fluid to keep vital signs within normal limits. 严重的肿胀是烧伤部位的典型症状. 这种肿胀过几天就会消失.


液体复苏期间, 病人不吃不喝, because the stress to the body as a result of the burn affects the stomach’s ability to digest. 如果在胃恢复正常活动之前给予食物或液体, 病人可能会呕吐.

Often 一个小 tube called an NG (nasogastric tube) is placed in the patient’s nose and into the stomach. Through suction, it drains the stomach contents and helps prevent nausea and vomiting.

两到三天之后,身体开始以非常快的速度消耗能量. 这种能量消耗的增加表现为心率的增加, 呼吸频率, 在体温方面. Due to these changes, the body requires a large amount of calories and fluids to heal.

Because an IV no longer provides adequate nutrition a Dobhoff tube (small soft, 柔性管)放置. 这是插入鼻子的, past the stomach and into the intestines to provide high-calorie supplements to the patient’s regular diet. When the patients are able to eat enough on their own, the Dobhoff tube is removed. 烧伤科的病人不允许喝水. 尽管他们很渴, 他们被鼓励喝含有卡路里和蛋白质的液体.


因为烧伤患者无法调节体温, 根据需要使用热毯来保持病人的温暖. 如果病人发烧,可以用风扇给他们降温.


大发娱乐知道烧伤会痛. 一切努力都是为了减轻痛苦. 静脉和口服药物的组合用于疼痛管理.

Why Did My Local Hospital Transfer Me to the University of Utah Health 烧伤中心?

You have been refer红色的 here because you meet the American Burn Association’s referral criteria and need specialized burn care only a verified burn center can provide. 的 犹他大学健康烧伤中心是一个经过验证的烧伤中心 and covers a five state area, including Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Nevada.


  • 二度烧伤超过身体的百分之十
  • 脸部,手,脚,生殖器,会阴,主要关节都有二级烧伤
  • 三度烧伤
  • 复杂的损伤
  • 电烧伤
  • 化学烧伤
  • 多个创伤
  • 吸入损伤
  • 烧伤伴有先前存在的疾病
  • 在没有儿科服务的医院烧伤儿童
  • 有特殊社会、情感或康复需要的患者

皮肤瘙痒、结疤、 & 压缩内衣


随着皮肤愈合, 它重新学习了自然的色素沉着, 虽然它可能永远不会完全恢复原来的颜色. 在此期间, it is important to protect your skin from the sun (especially during the first year). If the skin is sunburned or tanned while healing, pigmentation can change permanently. 只要你的皮肤是粉红色的, 红色的, 或紫色, you should use sunscreen and protect your skin with clothing or compression garments. It is very important that you protect your skin from the sun during the first year after your burn.


你的油腺, 哪一种能大发娱乐提供天然油脂来保持皮肤湿润, 是否因受伤而受损. 经常使用乳液可以大发娱乐皮肤保持水分,减少干燥.


你的皮肤干燥,再加上感觉神经的恢复,导致皮肤干燥. Although very uncomfortable at times, it will lessen over the next few months. 和你的护理人员谈谈可以缓解瘙痒的药物.

自从受伤后,我的睡眠模式改变了. 这正常吗??

Changes in sleep patterns following a traumatic injury and hospitalization are very common. 你的睡眠周期需要时间来重置. 要重置你的睡眠周期,可以试试:

  • 按照燃烧前的正常作息时间睡觉和起床.
  • 避免在晚些时候喝刺激性饮料,比如咖啡和含咖啡因的苏打水.
  • 白天保持活跃.
  • 每周至少锻炼三次,每次45分钟.
  • 谈论你的焦虑,这可能有助于缓解压力.


你的伤好了就可以回来了. 在此之前上班或上学会让你有感染的风险.

我的皮肤又紧又硬. 会永远这样吗?



压力服有助于控制和防止增生性疤痕. 胶原蛋白是皮肤中的一种人体蛋白质. During the healing process, an overgrowth of collagen causes hypertrophic scarring. 这些疤痕是波浪状的,很厚. 以避免增生性疤痕, you should wear your pressure garments 23 hours a day until the therapy team determines it is time to stop wearing them.

和别人谈论你的烧伤,处理凝视, & 焦虑和沮丧




  1. 你是怎么/什么时候受伤的.
  2. 你好吗?.
  3. 感谢他们的提问.

例:我在一次煤气事故中被烧伤了. 这是一项艰苦的工作,但我正在变得更好. 谢谢你的提问.



S -微笑
T -语气
E -眼神交流
P -姿势
S -自我对话


的 routine of burn care requires patients and families to create a new normal. 许多人认为,当他们回到家,一切都会是一样的. 这会导致沮丧和焦虑. It is important to deliberately think about a new routine that incorporates wound care, 休息, 烧伤疗法.

找到一种方法把情绪从你的身体中释放出来. This can be done through writing, talking, art, exercise, meditation, or other creative means. 的 烧伤支援小组 周三大发娱乐提供的课程会很有大发娱乐.


为什么大发娱乐是一个经过验证的烧伤中心很重要? 的 American Burn Association and the American College of Surgeons designed a rigorous review program that ensures verified centers offer the best care for their patients. This includes the whole patient experience from the time of injury through rehabilitation.

It also means we meet the highest quality of care available because we meet these high quality standards. 这些标准是针对人员资格的, 设施资源, 组织结构, 以及医疗服务.

