

Most doctors will recommend lifestyle changes and natural ways to lower blood pressure for patients with elevated blood pressure, 或轻中度高血压(1期或2期). If that does not work to get your blood pressure under control, 他们也可能会开一些药物来大发娱乐治疗. 

高血压 is the result of too much pressure on your arteries when your heart is pumping blood to supply oxygen to your body. While genetics and other things out of your control can contribute to blood pressure risk, there are also many lifestyle factors that can make hypertension worse. These natural ways to lower blood pressure can keep you healthy.

1 .吃健康食品降血压

A healthy diet is one of the most important lifestyle changes to make to lower your blood pressure. 健康饮食主要包括:

  • 水果,
  • 蔬菜,
  • 全谷类,
  • 坚果和种子,
  • 瘦肉(如鸡肉和猪肉),以及
  • 低脂牛奶.

Avoid foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol, such as red meat. These foods can cause a sticky substance called plaque to build up on the walls of your arteries, 血管和动脉壁也会变硬. Both of these things force your heart to work harder to pump blood. 换掉加工食品,比如薯片, 饼干, 只要有可能,上面列出的食物都要用糖果代替.

Other important dietary changes to discuss with your doctor include:

  • 少吃钠(盐)和
  • increasing potassium in your food or taking a potassium supplement.

盐使你的身体保留水分, which puts a strain on your kidneys and your blood vessels and raising blood pressure. Potassium relaxes the walls of your blood vessels to make it easier for blood to flow through, 降低血压.


Extra body weight can increase your risk of hypertension because it causes many changes in your body. It can disrupt hormones that increase the risk of high blood pressure. It can also cause plaque buildup in your arteries, forcing your heart to work harder.   

超重或肥胖也会增加患 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停, which is a common condition that contributes to high blood pressure. People with extra weight around their midsection (stomach) are at increased risk of high blood pressure. 这包括腰围在40英寸以上的男性, 腰围在35英寸以上的女性也是如此. Once you reach a healthy weight, continue to follow a heart-healthy diet to maintain that weight.

3 .经常锻炼

Exercise helps strengthen your cardiovascular system (your heart and blood vessels) so they can efficiently pump blood throughout your body. It also helps prevent cholesterol and plaque buildup in your arteries. 美国的专家.S. Department of Health and Human 服务 (HHS) recommend that adults get 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. That is about 30 minutes of exercise a day for five days a week.

You don’t have to do intense or hard workouts to get the benefits of exercise. Take a brisk walk, do some strength training, or try interval training workouts. Before starting any new exercise program, be sure to talk to your doctor.


Smoking cigarettes or using smokeless tobacco increases your risk of high blood pressure because nicotine causes your blood vessels to constrict (tighten). Narrow blood vessels mean your heart has to work harder to pump blood. 就在你戒烟20分钟后, 血压和心率急剧下降, 根据美国心脏协会. Within two weeks of quitting your circulation and lung function improve. Quitting smoking also improves your overall health and reduces your risk of heart disease.

5 .每天限制酒精和咖啡因

Drinking a lot of alcohol (more than one drink per day for women, (男性每天喝两杯)会升高血压. Plus, alcohol can interfere with blood pressure medications so they don’t work as well. Drinks that are high in caffeine can also cause a spike in blood pressure for some people.


Chronic stress that lasts a long time can elevate blood pressure. 你可能无法消除生活中的所有压力, 但重要的是要尽可能地减少压力,你可以:

  • learning what triggers your stress and avoiding those things as much as possible;
  • focusing on the things you can control and not worrying about things that are out of your control;
  • practicing mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing to reduce stress; and
  • 如果需要的话,和心理健康专家谈谈.


Quality sleep has many health benefits, such as lowering your blood pressure. 改善睡眠:

  • Set a schedule and try to get at least seven hours of sleep per night.
  • Create a healthy bedtime routine to prepare your body for sleep.
  • 如果可能的话,避免在白天小睡.
  • 睡前避免使用智能手机或平板电脑等屏幕.
  • 晚些时候避免摄入咖啡因.
  • 营造舒适、凉爽、黑暗的睡眠环境.


If your doctor prescribed you blood pressure medication, take it exactly as prescribed. Taking your medication at the same time each day can help you maintain a steady blood pressure and avoid spikes.


有时候,遵循这些步骤是不够的, 有些东西会让你的血压升高. When that happens, try these strategies to lower blood pressure quickly.

  • 冥想或专注于深呼吸. 冥想和呼吸练习可以大发娱乐你放松, 它会减慢你的心率,降低血压.
  • 减轻压力. Stress is one of the most common things that causes a rapid spike in blood pressure. Find what works to lower your stress, including sitting in a quiet space, stretching, or meditating.
  • 洗个热水澡或淋浴. 温水可以大发娱乐你放松,减少肌肉紧张.

When to Seek Medical Treatment for a High Blood Pressure Emergency

Blood pressure spikes above 180/90 are considered a hypertensive crisis. If your blood pressure gets to that level, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911. If you have any of these symptoms, seek medical help right away:


如果你需要大发娱乐控制你的高血压, call 801-585-7676 to schedule an appointment to see a hypertension specialist.

