

I can't believe that SOMETHING SO VERY SIMPLE could CHANGE MY LIFE so very much. 棉花球让我重获新生.

I want to share the following with other HHT patients who are desperately looking, 像我一样, 为了解决难以控制的流鼻血.   The folks at the University of Utah HHT Center encouraged me to try the technique below when it became clear that laser treatments were no longer helping control my nosebleeds due to the nature and number of telangiectasia in my nose.  多年来,我做了14次激光手术.


  • 棉花球
  • 邦迪牌创可贴
  • 杆菌肽药膏


  • 小剪刀
  • Blunt ended poker (this is to carefully poke the cotton back if it protrudes from the band-aid, 发夹管用).  小心.


  1. I put a small amount of Bacitracin on the fuzzy end of a thumb size piece of cotton that has been folded in half.
  2. 用我的拇指和指针, 我小心地把棉花塞进每个鼻孔里, then try breathing through the nose to see if I used an adequate amount of cotton.
  3. 然后,我把一边纵向切割创可贴, (纱布的一面朝向棉布), 穿过鼻孔. 我小心地把它们的鼻孔合在一起, (稍微——不要做过头), before placing the sticky part of the band-aid upward on the outside of the nose.
  4. I use the small blunt ended scissors to clip the length of the band-aid at each nostril crease.  或者正如我最近乘飞机出城时发现的那样, (我不能拿我的剪刀), 你可以预先剪掉创可贴的末端, 一旦你判断出它们需要多长时间, to reach the crease of your nostril in order to stick to your skin.



I didn't know cotton balls unroll, but they do, so look for that kind. You will need to put in enough cotton to block the air flow and may need to try this several times to find out just how much cotton is right for your nostril size. If you don't have enough the first try, take it out and throw it away, (it's just a piece of cotton). Don't try to put an extra piece on top of the one you have already placed inside the nostril. This will push the first piece too far up, making it difficult to remove. 也, 你只需要足够的棉花来阻挡空气, 所以不要把它推得太高,因为这会导致鼻血. I fold the cotton in half and cover the fuzzy side with the ointment. 这种药膏有助于防止感染, 防止棉花粘在里面, 消除了一些模糊性.

请注意柔软的织物创可贴不起作用.  I like to hold the gauze side of the band-aid against the nostril opening, and carefully pull the nostrils together as I put the sticky part of the band-aid on.  The fabric band-aids have too much give and don't hold the nostril together.


  • It takes away your ability to breathe through the nostrils (otherwise you are doing it wrong).
  • 它会让你失去闻大多数东西的能力.
  • 它会夺走你品尝大多数食物的能力.
  • You will begin to feel less fatigued as you're blood count rises.
  • I have less junk in my throat and therefore don't need to "snuff and spit"  (this always started a nose bleed for me).
  • 我打喷嚏少了,即使打喷嚏也不流血了.
  • 你的嘴会很干.  我随身带着一个水瓶来喝.  Your tongue will get so dry at night that it will almost feel brittle.  在床边放一瓶水.  我晚上醒了好几次,现在还是这样. 虽然我一开始睡得不踏实, now I barely awaken for my sip of water and fall right back to sleep.  你总有一天会习惯的.
  • 如果你真的流鼻血了, 喝冰水, 尽可能多喝,直到你注意到出血已经止住.
  • Most people won't notice your new look, because the band-aid camouflages the cotton.  那些注意到的人可能会问,所以给他们解释一下.  Maybe they know someone that could benefit from the same process.
  • 你也会注意到它已经成为一种生活方式!  Some people wear glasses, some people do the cotton/band-aid thing.


23/7—In other words, take it out only long enough for your three meals a day. 每次不超过20分钟,或者每天一小时!!  I love being able to take it out for meals as I can taste my food, 我不会被我吃的东西噎住.

This also means the cotton will be changed at least three times per day, 哪种方法可以降低感染的风险. I change it again before bedtime and any time that it seems to allow in too much air or becomes moist. Carefully remove the cotton, and at first you may see signs of blood, but JUST KEEP DOING THIS. 要有耐心,要有积极的态度.

It will not be effective if you don't have the cotton in place 23 hours per day, every day. It works largely because as airflow in and out of the nose decreases, so does the blood volume flowing through blood vessels to the nose. With less blood flowing into the abnormal blood vessels (telangiectases) in the nose, 它们很少破裂和出血.

All I can say is this is really working for me and I can't believe something SO VERY SIMPLE could change my life SO VERY MUCH !!!!


这是我生命中的一个奇迹. Everyday when I wake up, I can't believe that I have gone another day WITHOUT a nose bleed!!  人们不知道一些HHT患者经历了什么. They can't imagine the amount of blood loss and just how badly it pours when it does bleed. 大发娱乐不能哭泣, 笑, 打喷嚏, 大发娱乐的头向前倾, 低着头睡觉, 或者转错方向导致压力转移, 当大发娱乐睡觉的时候. 所有这些都会导致流鼻血, and of course most of the time it bled just for no reason at all. I couldn't even tilt my head forward to kiss my grandkids or tilt it back just a little for a kiss from my husband.

I am in public every single day with my job, and I felt a little self conscious at first. 但实际上只花了几天时间就克服了. 提醒自己,他们不知道你经历了什么, 如果有的话, 他们每次经过都会拥抱你.

我记鼻血日记, 自从四个月前开始使用这种方法, 我只流过3次10分钟的鼻血和1次半小时的鼻血. This is great since it prior to this cotton technique I usually had four or five significant bleeds per week. Some of these bleeds were very major, taking one to two hours to stop, and I was chronically anemic! My last blood test numbers were so high from NO BLOOD LOSS that I was able to skip my iron dextran infusion. 好啊!!

I have even experienced very hot weather with no nose bleeds and hot weather always caused me problems.

我有一个装棉球的三明治袋, 邦迪牌创可贴, 杆菌肽药膏, 小剪刀, 小镜子, 随身带着一把钝头扑克牌. This is quite a change from what I use to take with me: 3-gal bucket, 塑料衬垫, 一卷卫生纸, 装冰的碗, 杯子和吸管装冰水, 凡士林和棉签.

起初,我想在分享我的好消息之前走得更远. 我想确定这不是一场梦. But I felt like I wasn't being fair to other HHT people that are struggling like I was. 我希望你能给这个百分之百的尝试. 我以前也试过,不太认真, 只在晚上或者不需要出现在公共场合的时候用棉花. 但是,半心半意并没有奏效. 所以,全身心地投入到这个简单的解决方案中. Be patient while you learn the simple process and then do as I do- put in the cotton, cover it with a Band-Aid and go about your day with your head held high. 

I hope you find as much success as I have, my prayers are with you!!!!

Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions. 我很乐意带你走过.







