
社区 Crisis Intervention & 支持服务

or dial 988 for crisis help and support

Get Help With Crisis Response, Suicide Prevention, & 情感支持

亨斯迈心理健康研究所在大发娱乐保护大发娱乐所有的家庭成员、朋友和邻居的安全. 大发娱乐大发娱乐提供专门的项目来预防心理健康危机,并在危机发生时为人们大发娱乐提供支持. 这些项目支持与心理健康挑战作斗争的个人,并将个人与可以大发娱乐他们的额外资源联系起来. Our team of professionals train in these areas:

  • mental health crisis management,
  • 预防自杀,以及
  • 情绪健康.

We are here when you need us the most. 无论你是需要有人倾听,还是在你真正需要他们的时候出现,大发娱乐都在大发娱乐为你服务.


24/7 free and confidential crisis help and support

In Association With The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


988年自杀 & 危机的生命线 National Launch

988已被指定为新的三位数拨号代码,它将把呼叫者路由到 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 呼叫ers from Utah will be connected to the 犹他州危机热线, staffed by certified crisis workers at HMHI. This dialing code is confidential, 免费, and available 24/7/365 to everyone across the United States. 

988 & 犹他州危机热线



拨打988的人可以选择退伍军人危机热线或西班牙语危机热线. 如果犹他州区号的呼叫者没有选择这两个选项中的任何一个,他们将被路由到 犹他州危机热线. If after three minutes the call is unanswered, 呼叫者被路由到国家预防自杀生命线(NSPL)备份附属网络.

呼叫ers connected to the 犹他州危机热线 receive specialized, 由经过自杀预防培训的持证危机工作者大发娱乐提供个性化支持, 降级, and stabilization and get connected to mental health resources. The 犹他州危机热线 continues to work closely with the Mobile Crisis Outreach Teams (MCOT) across the state to support in-person crisis intervention.



The 犹他州危机热线, in association with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 大发娱乐是为了在困难时期大发娱乐提供富有同情心的支持,并转介需要心理健康服务的人吗. 呼叫ers of any age and with any mental health issue may reach out for help. Multi-lingual services are available.

24/7 Free and Confidential 服务

一天24小时可用, 一周7天, 365 days a year at no cost to you, our certified crisis workers provide:

  • compassionate and non-judgmental emotional support.
  • suicide prevention, information, and referrals.
  • 后续的服务.
  • psycho-education about mental health issues.
  • education on how to support loved ones with mental health issues.
  • therapeutic assistance to individuals in emotional distress or psychiatric crisis.
  • 如有需要,可通过 Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT) 和/或与其他当地精神卫生当局协调的第一反应者.

犹他州危机热线与全州所有13个地方精神卫生当局合作,确保根据您的位置和需求大发娱乐提供最好的服务. 大发娱乐服务的目标是为家庭和个人大发娱乐提供工具和资源,使他们能够获得所需的护理.


For help, call the 犹他州危机热线 at:
988 | 801-587-3000(本地)


What Is a Crisis and How Do I Know if I’m in Crisis?

A “crisis” can mean something different to every person. 这些都是人们在遇到危机时大发娱乐的例子:

  • 压力
  • 焦虑
  • 抑郁症
  • 斗争的关系
  • 失去所爱的人
  • 自杀的想法

Other words for crisis could include struggle, 感觉困, 感到焦虑, or going through a hard time. 

A crisis is something that can overwhelm you so that you can’t solve a problem. Our staff are here to help you figure out how to get through your problem. 无论是你、你的朋友还是你的家人都在挣扎,你并不孤单. 

I Don’t Feel Like I’m in a Crisis. 我还能使用这些服务吗?

是的! Crisis can mean a lot of different things. You do not have to be in a crisis to call us. 很多时候,人们打电话来谈论他们一直在想的事情,他们想要另一种观点.


Mobile Crisis Outreach Teams (MCOT)

To find out how MCOT can support you, call 988.

犹他州危机热线在大发娱乐州的许多地区派出了移动危机外展小组(MCOT). MCOTs大发娱乐提供:

  • 快,
  • 免费的,
  • face-to-face or virtual video response.

MCOT is for Utah residents who are having a mental health challenge.


  • 个人,
  • 的家庭,
  • 学校,
  • 治疗大发娱乐提供者,以及
  • 在第一时间作出回应.

We also provide 后续的服务, like ongoing support. 这包括向卫生保健大发娱乐提供者和社区精神卫生服务机构转诊.

HMHI MCOT primarily provides care for people within Salt Lake County. Through the 犹他州危机热线 dispatch, we work with other local mental health authorities across Utah. These other authorities also offer MCOT teams for a prompt response.

MCOT团队既有训练有素的执业临床医生,也有同伴支持专家(也经过认证)。. 同行专家:

  • have personal experience with past mental health or substance use challenges,
  • are in recovery after receiving treatment, and
  • can share their lived experience to provide empathy and hope.

When Should You Ask for an MCOT?

MCOT is there for you when you are feeling lost, 独自一人, having a difficult time coping with life, or have concerns related to a loved one living with you. 大发娱乐的团队将在您所在的任何地方与您见面,无论是在家里,在工作场所,还是在社区的任何地方.

The team arrives in unmarked vehicles to support your privacy. 大发娱乐尽最大努力让大发娱乐的服务对象远离医院和他们的社区.

请注意: Due to COVID-19, we now offer virtual visit options.


经常, 个人可能需要一个倾听的耳朵,因为他们从自己的个人斗争中治愈和恢复. 犹他州的居民如果需要与那些走过类似道路的人联系,可以打电话给犹他州温暖热线(犹他州暖线)寻求支持. The Warm Line is staffed 8am-11pm, 一周7天, 365 days a year at no cost.

大发娱乐的认证同伴支持专家接受过专门培训,并处理过自己的心理健康问题和/或药物滥用问题. They are trained in providing hope and empowerment through the recovery model. This model instills a person-centered approach to recovery and healing. Certified peer specialists engage with the community through empathetic listening. 大发娱乐的专家鼓励来电者通过培养尊严和自尊来解决问题,并找到他们健康生活的内在力量, 独立的生活. 温暖热线与犹他州危机热线和移动危机外展小组(MCOT)密切合作,确保为您和您所爱的人大发娱乐提供最好的支持.


833 - speakut (免费)
801-587-1055 (本地)

安全危机聊天 & 提示行

The 安全危机聊天 and 提示行 is a Utah service that provides real-time, emotional support and crisis prevention 24/7/365 to students, 父母, 和教育工作者. 你可以和有执照的咨询师聊天寻求支持,或者直接从你的智能手机上提交机密建议, 或打电话 833-372-3388 to talk about whatever is on your mind

SafeUTNG – SafeUT National Guard

SafeUTNG is an app for National Guard Members (active duty), their partners/family members, 文职人员. The app gives you 24/7 access to licensed mental health counselors by:

SafeUTNG is confidential and available to our National Guard community at no cost. It is designed in collaboration with the Utah National Guard and HMHI. 下载应用程序通过 应用程序商店 or Google Play商店


How We Are Helping (By the Numbers)


CARF认证 Gold Seal

犹他大学健康,包括亨茨曼精神健康研究所,是由 挪威船级社, which is a world leading organization whose sole purpose is to safeguard life, 财产, 还有环境.

HMHI危机和转移服务进一步推动了大发娱乐对卓越患者护理的承诺 CARF认证 focused on crisis and behavioral health. 获得CARF认证要求服务大发娱乐提供商承诺在所有服务领域不断提高质量,并必须证明其符合一系列严格的国际公认的CARF标准.