

For many years, we have used medication to improve blood vessel circulation in the penis. 这些药物包括罂粟碱, 酚妥拉明, 前列腺素E1 - Trimix是这三种药物的混合物. Scientists have found that these drugs can induce a penile erection when injected directly into the penis.

Since 1983, these 勃起功能障碍 injections have gained acceptance across the globe. FDA于1995年批准前列腺素E1用于治疗.

Medications like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra do not work for every man dealing with 勃起功能障碍. 然而,阴茎注射疗法是另一种可行的选择. The thought of injecting a needle into your penis may sound intimidating, but about 70%的男性 你对这种疗法非常满意吗.



We do the first injection here in our office so we can show you how to do it yourself at home. 它还可以大发娱乐大发娱乐根据您的需要确定正确的剂量.

大发娱乐通常从15个单位开始. You may increase your dose by five units each time until you get the effect you want. 如果你用了50个单位却没有得到你需要的勃起, 打电话给大发娱乐大发娱乐会给你开更强的剂量.

大发娱乐每周最多允许打三针, 但你必须等24小时才能再服用一剂. And make sure you alternate between sides of the penis for each injection.

然而, injection therapy is not always a good long-term option for some men and that is when they may want to consider the 阴茎植入.


Below are step-by-step instructions detailing how to properly use your penile injection at home without a doctor.

1. Tear open an alcohol swab and wipe the rubber top of the bottle to sterilize it.

2. Peel open the syringe carefully and remove the protective cover from the needle. It is important that you do NOT contaminate the needle with anything but the rubber bottle cap. 

3. 把针穿过橡胶塞子, 然后把安瓿(装有药物的玻璃容器)倒过来. 拉动柱塞,直到抽出为止.0毫升的药.  

4. 继续把安瓿倒立, 将注射器中剩余的空气注入安瓿.

5. Withdraw the fluid until there are no more air bubbles in the syringe and the correct amount of medication is in the syringe.

6. Pull the needle out of the ampule and lay the syringe on the edge of a flat surface. Make sure the needle hangs over the edge to keep it from touching anything. 

7. Grasp the head of the penis between the index finger and thumb and gently pull the penis away from your body until the skin is taut.

8. When choosing an injection site, avoid any area where a vein is clearly visible. We recommend changing injection sites from left to right as well as up and down the shaft and back again to ensure that you do not develop scar tissue at one specific site. 

9. 用酒精棉签擦拭皮肤.

10. Pick up the syringe with the other hand and position your hand like you're about to throw a dart. 

11. 把针尖碰到你要注射的地方. (只在你坐着或站着的时候注射.)

12. Hold the syringe at a 90-degree angle and push lightly to penetrate the skin near the base of your penis.

13. 一旦你刺穿了皮肤,你会感觉到一些阻力. 坚定地向前推,直到感觉到明显的“给予”. 针现在应该在正确的位置(在勃起的身体内). 针的整个长度也应该是在到轮毂.

14. Hold the syringe between your index and middle fingers and place a thumb on the plunger to inject the entire contents of the syringe. 然后把针从你的阴茎里拿出来.

15. Immediately apply pressure to your penis with your thumb and index finger for two to three minutes using the alcohol swab. 等到没有出血.

16. 将针头放入处理盒中.



注射后5到15分钟,你的阴茎就会肿胀起来. 它可能是直立的. 然而, many men will not achieve an erection until sexual foreplay is started.

Some men have even noticed decreased sensation in their penis or have trouble ejaculating. This is usually part of the impotence condition which we are treating with the penile injections, although inadequate foreplay and excitement may play a role in this as well. 


  • 把你的药放在冰箱里. You may pre-load syringes and keep them in the freezer once you know what dose works for you.

  • 不要增加剂量超过0.05 cc or else you run the risk of a painful erection that may not go away. 这可能需要去一趟 急诊室.

  • 每天注射阴茎的次数不要超过一次. 

  • 如果注射后未能穿透勃起组织, 你会有灼烧感. 这应该在一小时内消失,不会导致勃起.

  • The needle must never touch any object other than the alcohol-wiped ampule stopper or penile skin. 如果针头被污染了,扔掉注射器,重新开始.

  • 不要将被污染的针头插入安瓿.

  • 不要注射药物以外的任何物质. 

  • 不要与其他人共用针头或药物.

  • Go to the 急诊室 for erections that last more than three hours.

  • 三个月后再来大发娱乐诊所.


Some men experience pain or bruising, while others experience none at all. 其他副作用包括: 

  • Temporary swelling of the penis skin — This can occur when you don’t place the needle properly.

  • Transitory pain — About 10 percent of men develop pain or discomfort in the head of their penis shortly after injection. This subsides spontaneously after a few minutes and is more common in men with impotence secondary to nerve problems.

  • Bleeding at the injection site — This usually results in a black and blue patch on the skin that disappears in a few days. This occurs when you don’t put enough pressure on the injection site after removing the needle or from puncturing a skin vein.

  • 勃起时间延长(阴茎勃起) -这是一个容易处理但潜在的严重并发症. If you ignore it, you could have severe pain and may need a small operation. It could even make you completely impotent (meaning you cannot respond to injections). 因此,如果需要的话,只对你的剂量做小的调整.

*如果你的勃起持续时间超过三个小时, 请立即致电801-213-2700.

治疗长时间勃起, 大发娱乐在你的阴茎上扎了一根小针, 吸干血液, 注射少量肾上腺素. If the procedure is done early, there’s usually minimal or no damage to the penis.


  • 错误的技术,
  • 过期的药物,
  • 剂量不足,
  • 阴茎的疤痕或畸形(弯曲),或
  • 阴茎感染.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists, call us at 801-213-2700. 你不需要医生的推荐就可以来大发娱乐大发娱乐看病. 
