

辅助技术是设备的一个术语, 系统, and devices that enhance the lives of people with disabling conditions or injuries. This technology can range from writing on a board for communication to using a specialized computer or app designed to help you with daily activities like turning on the television.

At 克雷格·H. 尼尔森康复医院, our rehabilitation specialists will help you identify the technology and devices you need to:

  • 与他人沟通;
  • 用你的手机或电脑,
  • 记住重要的事情,
  • 看到和听到你周围的环境,
  • 走,
  • 回去工作或上学,然后
  • perform other daily activities (such as turning on the lights or closing your window blinds).


尼尔森康复医院 at University of Utah Health is one of the few rehabilitation centers built with accessibility in mind. The Assistive Technology Center is an innovation lab that aims to help patients learn how to modify existing technology to suit their individual needs. It also helps patients access technology that will improve how they function and perform daily activities.

作为学术医疗中心的一部分, some of the technology we use in our facilities has been developed at University of Utah 治疗游戏和应用实验室(GApp实验室) 与犹他大学卫生信息技术小组合作. In this program, graduate students who study entertainment arts and engineering collaborate with the 医学创新中心 开发和生产以医疗为重点的互动式技术.

Our patients work with a team of multidisciplinary rehabilitation specialists, including: 

  • 医生,
  • 护士,
  • 物理治疗师,
  • 职业治疗师,
  • 言语治疗师,
  • 心理学家,
  • 神经心理学家,
  • 康复教育工作者,
  • 护理协调员,和
  • 护士助理.



在尼尔森康复医院, you will be able to control the environment in your room with smart home technology. This allows you to use your voice, your eyes, or sip-and-puff technology to control the following:

  • 电灯开关,
  • 恒温器,
  • 门,
  • 扬声器,
  • 窗帘,
  • 床上,
  • TV.

创伤的类型 & 大发娱乐治疗的疾病

The 尼尔森康复医院 provides treatment for patients with the following injuries and conditions:



除了病人的基本辅助器具, 大发娱乐的设备大发娱乐提供以下先进技术:

  • Eye gaze technology (using your eyes to use your phone or computer)
  • 语音控制软件(通过语音控制设备)
  • Sip-and-puff technology (sipping or blowing a puff of air into a small wand that looks like a straw to control devices)
  • 虚拟现实(增强虚拟现实) 
  • 增强现实(增强虚拟或现实世界的设置)
  • 适应游戏控制器的所有水平的能力
  • Training for accessibility features on your phone, tablet, or computer
  • Robotics (assist with feeding and upper body movement such as your arms)

Our adaptive video game 系统 and controllers and virtual reality (VR) 系统 help patients with recovery and education. We use VR 系统 to help patients improve their balance and coordination and help them with attention and problem-solving skills.



  • orthotics (customized forms to help with foot, heel, or lower body pain),
  • 牙套(一种支撑身体虚弱或受伤部位的装置),
  • 动力轮操纵杆;
  • 改编视频游戏控制器,
  • 餐具架,和
  • 轮椅制动扩展器.


在你出院后, you will still have access to a wide range of assistive technology devices and programs through the 尼尔森康复医院. 这包括:

  • 〇适应性运动器材You can use the equipment indoors to get more comfortable with it, then rent it to take outdoors. The program includes equipment for skiing, water sports, cycling, swimming, and tennis. 设备和租金通过 Technology Recreation Access Independence Lifestyle Sports (TRAILS) program.
  • 〇虚拟健身课程Join fitness classes online and work out with others from the comfort of your home. Classes include adaptive movements and modifications for all fitness and skill levels.
  • 〇数码健康课程Join livestream and on-demand classes for your overall wellness and health.
  • 康复教育—These classes help you understand your injury or condition and mobility challenges. You will get in-depth education about your injury and possible complications and considerations. We will also connect you to resources that will help you and your family feel knowledgeable and empowered.


If you would like to be admitted to the 尼尔森康复医院, you will first meet with a liaison to determine if you meet the criteria for inpatient care. The liaison can answer any questions related to insurance coverage or costs and will reach out to your insurance provider to request authorization. 


  • 医学上稳定,
  • in need of inpatient services and 24-hour rehabilitation nursing care, and
  • able to participate in therapy services for at least three hours a day,

一旦你被批准入学, you will work with our care coordinators to arrange transportation to the hospital and have your records sent to our care team. 在您到达之前,请查看大发娱乐的 这是你逗留期间要打包的物品清单.

如果你不符合住院的标准, you may be able to work with our therapists and rehabilitation specialists in the Assistive Technology Center on an outpatient basis.


呼叫 801-646-8000 to learn more about 尼尔森康复医院 or schedule an appointment with one of our liaisons. 医生和医疗服务大发娱乐提供者也可以 推荐病人参加这个项目.
