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Treating ACL Injuries with Surgery

如果你想恢复活跃或以运动为中心的生活方式,你的骨科专家可能会建议你做手术 ACL tear.

大多数前交叉韧带手术不会立即进行,除非你膝盖的其他部位受伤需要紧急护理. 前交叉韧带重建是最常见的手术.

大发娱乐的专家也接受过ACL修复手术(完全撕裂)的培训, but the tissue can be repaired back to bone). However, that surgery is only appropriate for specific cases. 你和你的骨科专家会讨论最好的手术. 

Best Candidates for ACL Surgery

前交叉韧带重建手术的最佳人选是活跃的个人和身体健康的运动员, who want return to their sport or active lifestyle.

Surgery is usually recommended when:

  • you have a full ACL tear.
  • 在日常活动或运动中,膝盖不舒服或感觉不稳定.
  • 你的膝盖功能并没有通过物理治疗和康复得到改善.

Benefits of Arthroscopic ACL Surgery

football player catching a ball


  • less pain after surgery,
  • a shorter hospital stay, and
  • a faster recovery.

You might want to consider ACL reconstruction if you want to:

  • return to your sport or recreational activities,
  • regain more comfortable movement,
  • prevent recurrent instability, or
  • avoid reinjury.

ACL Reconstruction Surgery

前交叉韧带重建是一项门诊手术,由专门从事骨骼和关节外科手术的医生(骨科医生)进行。. 手术前你会接受全身麻醉,让你入睡. 其他类型的麻醉,如脊髓阻滞或硬膜外麻醉可能被推荐,但不太常见.

Most ACL tears 不能用你现有的韧带缝合在一起(ACL修复). 为了完全恢复膝关节功能和稳定性,需要手术重建韧带. 你的外科医生会用组织移植代替你撕裂的韧带. 这种移植物作为一个框架来重建新的、健康的韧带.

Tissue grafts can come from several places, such as:

  • 髌骨肌腱,位于膝盖骨和胫骨之间;
  • your hamstring tendons, which are at the back of the thigh;
  • your quadriceps tendon, which runs from the kneecap into the thigh; or
  • a donor graft (allograft).


During the Procedure


在手术中,你的外科医生会移除撕裂的韧带并用移植组织代替. 新的组织用手术螺钉或其他医疗设备附着在你的骨头上. 当你的身体愈合时,你的骨头会填补以固定新韧带.

ACL reconstruction surgery takes one to two hours. You will be able to return home the same day.

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How to Prepare for ACL Surgery

Before your surgery, 你的专科医生可能会建议你进行几周的物理治疗,以减轻疼痛和肿胀, restore your knee's full range of motion, and strengthen your muscles.

你可能还需要进行医学成像,如x光、核磁共振扫描或膝关节超声检查. 这些影像学检查可以大发娱乐大发娱乐的团队排除其他损伤,并确定你的前交叉韧带撕裂的严重程度.


ACL Surgery Recovery

Most patients go home the same day of surgery. 你的外科医生会为你的手术部位大发娱乐提供具体的护理指导, manage your pain with medication, and begin physical therapy/rehabilitation. 手术后一到四周,你可能需要佩戴护膝或使用拐杖.

Physical Therapy

You will be able to move your knee and begin limited physical therapy work shortly after surgery. 你将接受四到六个月的物理治疗,以大发娱乐你恢复活动范围, strengthen your knee, and increase your activity or sport-specific functionality.

Length of Recovery

You will be able to return to light activity within a few days.  完全恢复活动和运动通常需要四到六个月的时间. Sports involving quick changes in direction, such as soccer, basketball, and football, may require up to 12 months of rehabilitation.

Follow-Up Care

大发娱乐将在术后10-12天安排您的第一次随访. 你的整形外科医生将检查手术部位并拆除任何缝线或缝合线. 当您恢复正常活动和运动时,您的医生将安排定期预约,密切关注您的进展.

ACL Prevention & Protection Programs

适当的运动和训练可以大发娱乐降低前交叉韧带损伤的风险. 大发娱乐的物理治疗师和运动医学康复专家团队为您的特定损伤和/或运动大发娱乐提供评估和量身定制的护理.


Common components in these programs include:

  • developing core strength through the hips, pelvis, and abdomen to reduce knee strain during common exercises;
  • increasing leg strength to reduce overcompensation and improve balance; and
  • training for proper technique and knee position during jumping, pivoting, or cutting (quickly changing direction) movements.

ACL Injury Program Benefits

An ACL injury protection and prevention program may help you:

  • identify areas of compensation when your body is out of balance.
  • 通过休赛期的训练来加强身体的弱点.
  • 通过关注肌肉和关节的灵活性和稳定性来提高你的运动效率.
  • 了解功能性运动和运动表现之间的关系

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How to Make an Appointment with an Orthopedic Specialist

如果你有膝盖疼痛,并希望看到一个骨科专家的评估,大发娱乐orthopedic center at 801-587‑7109 to schedule an appointment.

Before visiting our clinic, 与您的保险公司核实大发娱乐诊所的护理是否包括在您的计划之内. 大发娱乐接受大多数保险计划,大多数治疗都在保险范围内. However, some insurance plans have specific rules, 例如,在看专科医生之前,需要初级保健大发娱乐提供者的推荐.

You can also get a referral to see one of our specialists from:

Hear From Our Patients


Polly Creveling, a third-year medical student at University of Utah, was skiing through two feet of deep, fresh powder when her ski got stuck in the hard snow below. An excruciating pain shot through her knee. She was diagnosed with both a torn ACL and a meniscus tear. 在骨科损伤诊所及其骨科手术团队的深入全面护理下, 她能够继续她的运动生活方式,并参加她的医学院轮转.

Read Polly's Story

Alta ski patrol puts patient Polly Creveling into a stretcher