

You’ll need to avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight on the day of surgery. When you arrive for your surgery, we will prepare with these steps: 

  • 在你的皮肤上绘制切口(切割)指南
  • 给 you an intravenous (IV) line that delivers fluids, general anesthesia, and pain medication
  • Placing noninvasive monitors that track your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels

Then, your plastic surgeon will perform one or more procedures.

  • 腹部除皱: Your surgeon will make an incision in your abdomen and use an instrument that lifts your skin and fat. Then they will stitch your abdominal muscles closer together to increase the flatness and firmness of your abdomen. You may have a mini tummy tuck, which targets just the area below your belly button. Or you may have a full tummy tuck, which targets your entire abdomen.
  • 隆胸: Your surgeon will make an incision along your breast crease or around your areolae (dark tissue around your nipples). Then they will create a pocket to place breast implants beneath your breast tissue. 
  • 乳房提升: Your surgeon will make one or more incisions on your breasts. 然后他们会去除多余的皮肤, 重塑乳房组织, 重新定位你的乳头和乳晕. 
  • 乳房缩小术: Your surgeon will make one or more incisions on your breasts. 然后他们会去除多余的皮肤, fat, and other tissue from your breasts. 他们也会重新定位你的乳头和乳晕. They may remove tissue from other surrounding areas, 比如你的两侧或腋窝附近, 来衬托你的新胸围. 
  • 抽脂术: Your surgeon will make several small incisions in the areas you want to target. 他们会插入一个小的, hollow tube (cannula) through the incisions to loosen and suction fat from your body. 


The length of your surgery varies depending on what procedures you have with your mommy makeover. 

  • 腹部除皱:1.5–2 hours for a mini tummy tuck or 2–3 hours for a full tummy tuck
  • 隆胸:1-2小时 
  • 提胸:1-3小时 
  • 缩胸:3-4小时 
  • 抽脂术: 30 minutes or more, depending on the areas treated

If we anticipate that your surgery will take more than six hours, we may advise splitting your mommy makeover into two separate surgeries. You can have these two surgeries about three months apart.


You’ll rest in a recovery area for about two hours after a mommy makeover. 你当天就可以回家了. You’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home. A responsible adult must stay with you if you are staying overnight.

Your surgeon will review aftercare instructions with you: 

  • 如果你有排水管,该如何保养
  • How long to wear compression garments, a surgical bra, or bandages
  • 何时以及如何服用止痛药


Depending on your procedures, you will have a few scars around your abdomen and breasts. You will also have very small scars around areas where you had 抽脂术. 

A skilled plastic surgeon will make incisions as discretely as possible to make your scars less noticeable. Proper aftercare can also help reduce the appearance of scars: 

  • 避免吸烟.
  • 吃有营养的饮食.
  • 在愈合过程中保持切口清洁.
  • Limit exposure to the sun or ultraviolet (UV) light.
  • Rest and minimize strain on your incisions so that they heal properly.


You’ll have regular follow-up visits with your surgeon to monitor your recovery. 复苏 times vary depending on what specific procedures you had. The following timeline shows what you can expect in general: 

  • 最初几天: You’ll need someone to help you at home for at least a few days. You may need help for several weeks if you have a tummy tuck.
  • 两周: If needed, you’ll have drainage tubes that prevent fluid buildup around your incisions for 2–4 weeks.
  • 六个星期: You’ll need to avoid lifting anything heavier than 10 pounds for at least six weeks. 
  • 12周: Most women are recovered enough to resume usual activities and feel confident in a swimsuit.  


你会感到不适, 肿胀, and bruising in the first few days and weeks after a mommy makeover. How much pain you have depends on multiple factors, including what procedures you had. Pain is usually most severe in the first 1–2 weeks after surgery and should decrease significantly as you continue recovering.



呼叫 our office at 801-581-7719 if you would like to learn more about having a mommy makeover. We will be happy to schedule your consultation with one of our 委员会认证的整形外科医生 谁擅长你想要的手术.
