
Treating 心脏衰竭 with Transplant Surgeries

犹他大学健康中心的心脏移植项目有着悠久的优良传统. 选择托付给哪个心脏移植团队是你一生中最重要的决定之一. 大发娱乐经验丰富的团队为西部山区的患者大发娱乐提供卓越的护理-从评估到移植手术和康复.

大发娱乐的心脏移植项目在全国有一些最好的结果,在等待时间和病人和器官存活方面一直超过国家标准. 的 Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) maintains these statistics for all transplant centers in the United States.

U.T.A.H. 心脏移植项目

犹他健康心脏移植大学是犹他移植附属医院(U.T.A.H.心脏移植项目是盐湖城地区四家主要医院的合作项目.  联合国成员国.T.A.H. 心脏移植项目包括:

  • 大发娱乐
  • 乔治E号. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
  • 山间医疗中心
  • 初级儿童医院

自1985年以来,美国一直在.T.A.H. 心脏移植项目已经完成了超过1500例心脏移植手术. 这次合作为大发娱乐的移植中心大发娱乐提供了一个独特的机会来利用这项技术, 专业知识, 以及所有四个医疗团队和移植项目的资源,以造福所有患者.

This collaboration is one of the most successful of its kind in the United States. Our patients benefit from this unique model, 它利用了技能, 专业知识, and resources of all four medical teams. Since 1985, we have performed a combined total of more than 1,500 heart transplants.


A heart transplant is an operation in which the transplant surgeon replaces a diseased, failing heart with a healthy heart from a deceased donor. 

许多疾病都会导致 心脏衰竭,包括:


People who qualify for a heart transplant have advanced 心脏衰竭 这不是对治疗的反应. 具体来说,他们可以:

  • 机械循环支架, such as a total artificial heart or left ventricular assist device;
  • 需要强迫心脏收缩的药物,需要对心脏进行侵入性监测;
  • have symptoms demonstrating that their heart function is significantly limited, suggesting a poor prognosis in the next 12 months;
  • have low ejection fraction (a measure that compares amount of the blood in the heart to the amount of blood pumped out); or
  • have treatment-resistant ischemia (poor blood supply to the heart muscle).


心脏移植评价 大发娱乐大发娱乐的团队评估你的整体健康状况以确保移植手术适合你. We offer 心脏移植评价s on an outpatient and inpatient basis. This evaluation can take a week or more. 


We would be happy to answer any questions you have about our heart transplant program. 请致电、电邮或传真:

免费电话:1-800-824-2073分机. 53693
电子邮件: 心脏移植小组


It is difficult to predict how long you will have to wait for a donor heart. 的 wait will depend on many deciding factors 如:

  • 你的血型,
  • 你病情的严重程度
  • 你的体型,还有
  • 可用的捐助者数量.

If you have questions regarding your waiting time once you are listed, please talk to your transplant coordinator.

While you wait for your transplant, you will need to be available by phone at all times. If you are at home (not hospitalized) when a donor heart becomes available for you, a nurse coordinator will notify you right away.

你需要到达 大发娱乐 for the surgery within hours of receiving the call. 移植协调员会告诉你入院的过程(到医院登记)和你的药物.

Be sure a family member or friend drives you to the hospital for your surgery.



In addition to the medical expenses related to the surgery, patients and their families need to consider costs associated with transportation, 住宿, 食物, 以及后续护理. 大发娱乐的移植财务协调员和社会工作者可以回答您的问题,并解决您对移植费用的担忧.


心脏移植手术是一项复杂的开胸手术,在手术室进行。. 这个手术通常需要几个小时,取决于病人的病史和状况.

当你接受心脏移植时, 你将被全身麻醉并且在整个手术过程中处于睡眠状态. 在手术过程中,心脏外科医生会使用心肺搭桥机来保持血液在你体内的流动.

切除病变心脏后, 然后,移植外科医生将健康的供体心脏放入胸腔,并连接主要血管. Blood will then start pumping through the new heart and it will begin beating on its own. 这通常是自然发生的, 但在某些情况下,可能需要一个小的电击来大发娱乐捐赠者的心脏正常跳动.


After surgery, you will spend about one week in the intensive care unit (ICU) at 大发娱乐. Doctors and nurses will check on you frequently and run tests to monitor your progress. 你会:

  • 在 a ventilator to help you breathe,
  • have tubes in your chest that will drain fluids from around your lungs and heart,
  • be given medication for pain relief, and
  • 开始服用药物(称为免疫抑制剂)来防止你的身体排斥你的新心脏.

大多数患者在手术后第二天就可以取下呼吸机,可以坐起来走动. 物理治疗师和职业治疗师将大发娱乐你保持你的力量和活动能力.

You will then be transferred to a step-down unit, where the care team will continue to monitor you closely. Most patients are discharged from the hospital within two to four weeks of the surgery. You may go to a rehabilitation facility or home, depending on your needs.

在你住院期间, 你还会收到一份移植后的手册——这是你照顾新心脏的终身指南. 移植协调人将到您的房间查看手册中的信息并回答您的问题. You will learn about your medications, 如何预防感染, and what follow-up care will be like.



护理团队将密切关注心脏移植后可能出现的并发症和风险, 如:

  • 对供体心脏的排斥,
  • primary graft failure (when the new heart does not function well following surgery),
  • 你的动脉有问题,
  • 药物副作用,
  • cancer (immunosuppressant drugs can increase your risk of getting certain cancers), and
  • 感染.

How Long Does a 心脏移植手术 Last?

Most donor hearts last between 12 and 14 years. 如果你捐献的心脏衰竭了, 移植团队会和你讨论评估是否有可能进行另一次心脏移植.


手术后,你需要在盐湖城地区呆上三到六个月,这样移植团队可以密切监测你,并根据需要调整你的药物剂量. You will return to our transplant clinic for frequent follow-up visits, 心脏活组织检查, 血了, 成像测试.

After six months, your follow-up visits will become less frequent. 当你回到家时,重要的是恢复与当地医生和医生的日常护理 心脏病专家. U of U Health移植团队将继续管理您的免疫抑制治疗和任何与移植相关的护理. We will continue to follow your lab test results and see you in our clinic.

Most people who have a heart transplant experience a better quality of life. 你的医生和移植协调员会告诉你什么时候恢复正常活动是安全的, 比如工作, 锻炼, 参与兴趣爱好.

How to Schedule a 心脏移植评价

To make an appointment for a 心脏移植评价 at U of U Health, call 801-585-5122 or 800-824-2073. 在安排预约之前, we will check your insurance coverage to make sure the cost of the evaluation is covered.



电话: 801-585-5122
免费: 1-800-824-2073分机. 53693
传真: 801-213-3956
电子邮件: 心脏移植小组


健康保险范围, 合同, and payment may be subject to changes beyond the control of 大发娱乐. 犹他大学移植科将与您的保险公司联系,并确认您的保险与大发娱乐的机构和供应商签订了合同.

如果你的保险没有签约, 大发娱乐将尝试在犹他大学进行移植服务的单一案例协议. Ultimately the patient is responsible for payment related to all services.



有兴趣了解更多? 请致电801-585-5122或
