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Can You Donate Your Liver If You're Still Alive?

你知道吗,你可以捐献你的部分肝脏,它会在几个月内重新生长并恢复正常功能? 活体肝脏捐献是大发娱乐终末期肝病患者获得挽救生命的器官的最佳选择.


A living liver donor must be at minimum:

  • 18 years of age or older,
  • in good mental and physical health, and
  • 自愿并充分准备完成捐赠程序.


Initial Screening

To see if you meet criteria for living liver donation, 您需要与活体捐赠者团队的一名成员一起完成一项筛选调查. Once a liver physician reviews your initial intake, 护士协调员将与您联系,告知评估过程的下一步.

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The evaluation includes a complete medical history, physical exam, series of laboratory and radiology tests, and any other testing you need for medical clearance.

Selection & Matching 

Once evaluation testing is complete, 活体捐献多学科委员会将审查你的结果. They will then decide if you can safely proceed with the donation. We will notify you about the committee's decision.

Living donors and organ recipients must have a compatible blood type. 请阅读下面的血型配型表,了解供者和受者必须拥有哪种血型才能使移植手术成功:

Your Rh factor (for example, 如果你的血型是A型阳性或O型阴性)在匹配中并不重要.
Donor's Blood Type Transplant Candidate's Blood Type
A or O A
B or O B
A, B, AB, or O AB


If your surgery is approved, 多学科团队将继续与您密切合作,安排手术,并为您大发娱乐提供有关捐赠过程的额外信息. 


大发娱乐会在捐赠后的两周内安排一次外科医生的随访. 三个月大的时候,你还会去看外科医生,做血液化验, six months, one year, and two years after your donation. 这些临床信息和结果对于安全监测您的恢复非常重要.

Independent Living Donor Advocate (ILDA)

During the entire donation process, the independent living donor advocate (ILDA) is available to you to ensure your rights as a donor are protected.

Living Donor Transplant: Hear From Our Patient

Financial Assistance

你是否在考虑活体器官捐献,但又担心护理费用? 活体捐赠者可以利用一些资源来大发娱乐消除经济障碍,并确保活体捐赠者不会因捐赠而受到经济上的负面影响.

Frequently Asked Questions About Living Liver Donation


If you have a serious liver condition, 活体肝脏捐献是确保你得到你所需要的挽救生命的器官捐献的最好方式. 

How Do I Ask Someone to Be My Donor?

If you need a liver donation, 你应该做几件事,看看活体肝脏捐赠是否适合你. You must have a close emotional connection to your potential donor.

  • Educate your family and friends about your medical condition.
  • 让他们知道,当你需要的时候,活体捐赠是获得健康捐赠的最佳选择, 即使你仍然可以被列在等待捐献的名单上.
  • 教育自己关于活体捐赠的知识,这样你就知道你的捐赠者需要经历哪些步骤.

How Long Does it Take For a Donor to Be Evaluated?

大发娱乐的活体捐献项目让捐献者按照自己的节奏完成评估测试. 大发娱乐会让潜在的捐赠者完成许多测试,以确保他们足够健康,可以捐献一部分肝脏.

Testing usually takes four to six weeks. 如果大发娱乐的移植专家需要进行额外的测试,测试可能需要更长的时间.

When Can My Donor Start the Evaluation Process?

大发娱乐犹他大学肝脏诊所的专家与您会面之后, your potential donor can start the evaluation process by taking our living donor survey.

如果有人事先知道他们承诺成为你的活体捐献者, please have them take our living donor survey above. Your donor can contact us before we see you in our clinic.

Can My Donor Go Through the Evaluation Process in Another State?

你的捐赠者可以在他们当地得到大部分的早期检测和评估, even if they live outside of Utah. 请注意,如果您的捐赠者在另一家医院进行测试,评估过程可能需要更长时间.

Can My Donor Have the Surgery in Another State?

Your donor must have the donation surgery at University of Utah Hospital.

How Many Potential Donors Can You Evaluate For Me?


Who Should I Contact to Find Out About My Donor's Evaluation?

如果你想了解潜在捐赠者的评估情况, you can contact your transplant coordinator. She can help answer any questions during the evaluation process.

Because of patient privacy laws, 大发娱乐无法向您大发娱乐提供有关捐赠者检测的具体信息.

Will My Donor Have to Pay For the Surgery?

Living donors do not pay for any costs for the transplant surgery. 相反,大发娱乐会在移植手术结束后向接受者的保险公司开出账单.

Your liver donor must pay for transportation, housing, time off work, and any standard health tests like pap smears, mammograms, and colonoscopies. However, there are financial assistance resources 可用于活体捐赠者,以大发娱乐消除他们可能遇到的任何经济障碍.


捐赠手术后,大发娱乐将要求您的捐赠者在盐湖城地区停留大约两周. 大发娱乐可能会让你的捐赠者多留一段时间取决于她恢复的情况.

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Contact Us

Living Liver Donor Coordinator 

活体肝脏捐赠者协调员负责监督活体肝脏捐赠者的护理协调工作, starting at the initial intake, through the evaluation process, surgery, and follow-up care. 活体肝脏捐赠者协调员通过教育潜在捐赠者关于活体捐赠过程来支持移植团队.


Donor Coordinator

Tracey Tuttle, BSN, RN
Living Donor Transplant Coordinator
Phone: 801-581-2497

Living Liver Program Specialist

Phone: 801-581-2634


University of Utah Health – Living Liver Donor Program
30 North 1900 East, Rm AC144
Salt Lake City, UT 84132
Phone: 801-581-2634
Fax: 801-587-8925

Living Donor Advocate

独立活体捐赠者倡导者(ILDA)的主要重点是大发娱乐潜在的活体捐赠者了解非医疗问题, challenges, 捐赠带来的变化以及对捐赠者情感的评估, social, support, and financial resources. The donor advocate is employed specifically to represent and advise the donor; protect and promote the donor's interests; and ensure that donor's decision is informed and free from coercion. 捐赠倡导者在捐赠过程中为捐赠者和家属大发娱乐提供咨询和情感支持. 

Lauren Shah, LCSW
Independent Living Donor Advocate (ILDA)
Office Phone: 801-585-0026

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