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What Is In Vitro Fertilization?

体外受精(IVF)是一种在实验室中使女性体外的卵子受精的治疗方法. 目标是产生胚胎,然后将最好的胚胎放回女性的子宫.


The Utah Center for Reproductive Medicine (UCRM) 一个生育项目是照顾来自不同文化背景的不同身份的病人吗. A compassionate team of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, fellows, residents, nurses, medical assistants, and embryologists cares for you.

大发娱乐参与前沿研究,并有机会获得最先进的技术,因为大发娱乐隶属于犹他大学健康. 虚拟访问使您能够以最方便的方式访问大发娱乐的服务.

IVF Benefits & Risks


IVF is also effective at treating male infertility and female infertility problems:

  • Inability to ovulate

  • Low egg quantity

  • Low sperm count

  • Fallopian tube damage or blockage

  • Need for gestational carrier (surrogate)

对许多人来说,试管婴儿最重要的缺点是它可能会带来经济或情感上的负担. 尽管试管婴儿的保险覆盖范围正在改善,但仍然非常有限. 许多人需要经历一个以上的试管婴儿周期才能使治疗有效.

How Successful Is IVF?

体外受精对许多不孕症都很有效. Doctors can detect a pregnancy after two weeks. 

IVF Success Rates By Age

Age impacts IVF success rates. 35岁以后,成功的机会略有下降,40岁以后则明显下降.


Who Is a Candidate for IVF?

卵巢中有卵子并能获得精子来源的人是试管受精的候选人. You’ll need to know your ovarian reserve, 这是基于你卵巢中卵子的数量和质量, before starting IVF. 你应该接受生殖内分泌学家或其他生育专家的测试,以确定你的卵巢储备.

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IVF Process Timeline

您的试管婴儿治疗旅程将从生殖内分泌咨询开始. You’ll go through a fertility assessment 找出导致你不孕的原因,并了解更多的治疗选择. 你和你的伴侣的生育能力测试大约需要1分钟2 months.

当你和你的医生确定体外受精适合你的时候, you’ll start your first IVF cycle:

  • 9用注射药物刺激卵巢14天

  • Sperm collection

  • A 30-minute outpatient procedure to retrieve your eggs

  • One week of embryo development

  • Embryo transfer

  • Two weeks of waiting to find out if you are pregnant

如果你选择对胚胎进行基因测试,你可能会在胚胎发育和移植之间有额外的时间. In these cases, your embryos are frozen 在大发娱乐等待基因检测结果的同时,大发娱乐将胚胎移植安排在晚些时候.

How Long Does It Take to Get Pregnant with IVF?

产妇年龄和整体健康状况是试管婴儿成功的两个最重要的因素. 你的生育专家会在你的生育测试后给你一个个性化的时间表估计. 人们需要一个以上的试管婴儿周期才能怀孕是很常见的.

How Long After IVF Implantation Can I Test?

You should wait 10试管婴儿植入后14天进行妊娠试验.

How to Improve Sperm Quality & Egg Quality for IVF


  • Avoid processed foods and eat a Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes healthy fats and plant-based foods.

  • Find healthy ways to cope with stress, such as journaling, meditating, or talking with trusted loved ones.

  • Maintain a healthy body weight.

  • 限制接触环境毒素,如烟草和大麻.

Chance of Twins With IVF

大发娱乐的标准方案是一次只在你的子宫里植入一个胚胎. 用这种方法,怀上双胞胎的几率大约是2%到3%. 在非常罕见的情况下,大发娱乐会放置多个胚胎. 你的专家将讨论你是否应该在移植过程中放置多个胚胎.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing

Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), formerly called preimplantation genetic diagnosis, is an optional step during IVF. 在PGT期间,大发娱乐将从胚胎中取出一些细胞并在实验室进行测试. 这将为大发娱乐大发娱乐提供任何染色体或基因异常的信息. 您的专家可以大发娱乐您了解PGT是否适合您.

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