

活体肾捐赠手术可能看起来很吓人, but most donors find that the surgery is easier to handle than they expected. 如果你的手术被批准了, our transplant team will work closely with you to schedule surgery and give you more information about your donation process.


Today almost every living donor at University of Utah Health undergoes an operation called a 腹腔镜肾切除术. In this minimally invasive operation, surgeons only need to make a few small cuts (incisions).

Fewer incisions allow for a much faster recovery than traditional surgery (an 开放肾切除术),这需要一个10-12英寸长的大切口. 腹腔镜手术通常持续三到五个小时. 

You can expect to stay in the hospital for a few days (the exact length will depend on your individual circumstances). Then, you will need to take it easy for two to three weeks after you are discharged.



  • 定期术前检查;
  • 尿检以确保你没有尿路感染,
  • and another crossmatch test to make sure that you and your recipient are still compatible. 

Here are some things to think about in prepararation for your surgery and recovery:

  • 手术前后我如何往返于医院?
  • 我需要带什么去医院? 


  • 有些衣服,比如内衣, 袜子, 睡衣, 一个长袍, 拖鞋, 还有汗衫——或者其他舒适的衣服可以穿回家;
  • a pair of shoes--as your strength improves, the doctors will want you to walk around; and
  • 个人洗漱用品. 



It's normal to feel nervous before your kidney donation surgery and wonder if your recovery will be slow or painful. 每个病人的康复情况都不一样, 但大多数捐赠者需要在医院呆一到三天. 完全康复通常需要四周的时间. 你的医生和护士会向你解释一切. 如果你有任何问题或顾虑,请问他们.


手术后,护士会带您到大发娱乐的手术恢复室. This unit is specially staffed and equipped to take care of patients who have just had surgery.

你可能要待在恢复室直到麻醉消失, 这通常需要一到两个小时.

Soon after the anesthesia wears off, hospital staff will guide you to a patient room. You will have one or two IVs in your arm or hand that we use to provide you with important medicines and fluids to keep you hydrated. 你将有一个导尿管从你的膀胱排出尿液.

Our team might also give you special 袜子 or compression sleeves on your legs to prevent blood clots.


手术后,你可能会感到疼痛和虚弱. 每个病人都不一样. Some patients don't feel much pain at all; others feel more pain. 关键是要控制你感觉到的任何疼痛. Our surgical specialists can help you manage and limit your pain with medication. 当你感到很不舒服时,请告诉护士或医生.

如果你感到胃部不适,你也应该让你的护理团队知道. Some patients feel nauseous after receiving anesthesia, or as a side effect of pain medicine.


With minimally invasive surgery, kidney donation surgery leaves minimal scarring. The incisions we use are only a few centimeters long and don’t leave a large scar.


Within 24 hours of your surgery, a nurse will help you sit up and take a short walk. 手术后活动得越快,恢复得就越快. Do not worry if it is difficult to get out of bed for the first time after your surgery. 这是正常的反应.


出院后, the hospital will schedule an appointment for you to see your surgeon within two weeks.


你将与肾脏专家进行后续预约, 12, 在你的捐赠手术后的24个月. These visits assess your kidney function and check for signs of complications.

After two years, you’ll continue regular medical care with a primary care provider. The majority of people stay in good overall health and complete the same routine screenings as the general population. However, if you develop kidney disease in the future, U of U Health is here to take care of you.

捐赠肾脏:风险 & 长期影响

有些人可能会经历捐赠肾脏的长期影响. After kidney donation, you have a higher risk of developing certain conditions:

People who have donated a kidney also have a higher risk of kidney failure later in life, 尽管总体风险仍然极低. We evaluate your risk of kidney failure during our thorough screening process and don’t select donors who have higher than a 1% risk of kidney failure.





Are you considering living organ donation but are worried about costs of care? Learn more by reading the American Society of Transplantation's Live Donor Financial Toolkit.



在整个评估过程中, the independent living donor advocate (ILDA) is available to help make sure your rights as a donor are protected.






Find out what to expect throughout the process of becoming a living kidney donor.


认识大发娱乐的病人 & 捐助者
